watch out!cus this girl ain't gonna be sweet no more.there will be no longer MISS NICE around,hah!this girl is gonna get down and DIRTY!!!
*keji kah aku???bhahaha..pape jelarrr.tp,jgn slh phm.aku xkan jadik jahat ouh!walaupon evil sounds wayyyyyy better than angel,fer the sake of HUMANITY...bla...bla...bla...korg sure tanak dgr aku ckp,ouh!haha.xpew2.so,klu korg suker the brand nuw me,stay a lil bit longer.but,if u dont...i'll be please to show u the way out.nway,whu cares?haha...ouh,btw!attention please!!!!aku giler menyampah tgk some people yg sukaaaa blagak bagosss!really.really pissed off,ouh!entah larrr..bagos sgt kah blog korg?adeyyy..taa masok paper pown?rotfl...siapekah???dato' siti ckp,"biarlah rahsia...."haha.no offense,keyh?klu teraser ambek!nahhh kau.kijammmm ouh dak fynn tuh!*sigh to some peeps tuh,yah,u guys might own such a luxurious life(haha),cool friends(i call them jerk.u?),great social life(dose...dose...),beauti-fool faces on(this is the spealling!)& etc. larrr...but,taa pyh larr korg blagak saner sinih,bragging all around psl your life yg seems like a fairytale tuh...no one would ever concern!true,korg ader friends yg sooooo damn cool,mcm iceberg,lagi tuhh!aww!but,klu sumernyer bitches n sluts...u DESERVE each other companies!aku?put me on the list of the last person in the whole universe would ever give a damn!lol...whatever...lantak larr korg nk jadik aper,frankly aku mmg xkesahhh.as long as x menyemak dlm hidop aku yg amt sederhana nihh.peace!

there will be a tym when we have to be annoying(like just now^^) and there will be tym when u gotta be ridiculous n outta mood lyk NOW!haahaa..aku taa taw maw ngomong aper!!!so,sila lihat2 lirik lagu nihh.which aku suker...sebab?in life,i think aku suda byk berkorban.sumtyms aku taa taw wuts the sacrifices are for.somehow,i found myself keeps doing it.maybe this is y?idk larrr.mcm taa masok akl.yeah,ckp larr aku prasannn suci!silakan ckp!mmg ponnn.im VOCAL.so,deal with it!gah~no more talkin larhhh.here's the lyrics:
Sedihku sakitku ku terima
Ku rela ku pasrah jalanku
Ini suratan aku dicoba
Demi rahmat-Mu ku memohon
Ya Allah ridhoi ketulusan hati
Ya Allah beri aku ketabahan
Ya Allah aku sanggup berkorban
Demi rahmat-Mu ya Allah
Ya Allah ridhoi ketulusan hati
Ya Allah beri aku ketabahan
Ya Allah aku sanggup berkorban
Demi rahmat-Mu ya Allah
p/s: maw tuka lagu bloggie...okayy ka? n_n
babes u ANTI-pink.?
i loves pink ouh.
:P :P
dolu2 ouh...sgt anti!
skunk suda neutral..hehe
xlarr sukaa..bt,boley larr(:
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