1.Besides your lips,where is your favourite spot to get kissed?by whum?
>>> pipiii larrr!!suweeet^^.my hubby to bee...agaga
2.How do you feel when you woke up this morning?
>>> with a BIG smile on my face!haha
3.Who was the last person you take a photo with?
>>> my bFF!![sue]
4.Would you consider yourself to be spoiled?
>>> no way!!imma gud person..heee
5.Would you donate blood?
>>> did i ever mention,i have hemophobia??
6.Have you ever had a best friend who is of the oppossite sex?
>>> yup.&& it turn up to be soooo wrong!
7.Do you want someone dead?
>>> of course!du grant it,babe
8.What does your last text message said?
>>> selamat mlmm..
9.What are thinking of right now?
>>> SPM results coming up!!pheww
10.Do you wish someone was with you now?
>>> yepp.[von dutch]!hakhak
11.What time did you go to sleep last night?
>>>around 4..a.m. yea..
12.Where did you buy the tshirt you are wearing now?
>>> the store
13.Is someone on your mind right now?
>>>haha.yup.my [ex]
14.Who was the last person who text you?
>>>nuw friend op mine.[afiq faiz]
15.Peoples tagged to do this quiz:
>>>kak lyn
16.Who is you are having relationship with?
>>>no one officially
17.Is no.3 is male or female?
>>>female larr!
18.If no.7 and no.10 get together,will it be a good thing?
>>> damn!no way on earth larr sayunkk.
19.What is no.1 studying about?
>>> medic.hihi.or maybe architecture.whu noe?lol..
20.Is no.4 single?
>>> huhh?sayerr kew?yep.&& available.wakaka
21.Say something about no.2
>>> laguuu 'gives u hell' nyer lyric,duhh
22.What do you think of no.3 and no.6 get together?
>>> haha!gud thing!i lyk.
23.Describe no.9
>>> tataw nk pegi bile..dgn saperr.&&naek aper..adoiyaii!
24.What will you do if no.6 and 7 fight?
>>>r u serious??i'll be lyk..hoooray!yippie!beat him!ROTFL
25.Do you like no.8?
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