hey guys!!miss me?haha.after quite a loads of tags..i,once again finally discovered the mood to write.so,hey?u must be wondering what d heck am i gonna write fer this tym,huh?.&& here comes d broken eng + bad grammars..hihi.du excuse me fer dat ?
thanx!now we're on..
since my spm exams,i've been at home fer almost 3 months!hey,its jz feel lyk yesterday..&& FYI i've spent my whole 5 years in SM SAINS TUANKU SYED PUTRA!yupp.from form1 until form 5.its not dat im tryin' to brag bout me being in residential skewl or wutsoeva..ya,maybe a lil bit..bt,dat doesnt mean anything!students skola sains,is NOt dat genius..true,fer some nerds they r brilliant..bt,TOTALLY [not] me!
walaaaweyy..suda sasar drpd topic neyh..so,nk jdkan citer..suda alomost 3 bulan[uhh..f**king hate diz word] sayerr stuck kat rumah.&& lyk wut i've told dlm posts before diz,sayer penah jadik salesgal kat one op d boutique in town..harhar..gaji lumayan gakk..bt,u noe me..BOROSSS..hehe..nk wat cne,natural!lol.nak di conclude kan,fuhh..amat larr BESH dapat keje situh..its not the job,its sumthing else..my nuw frens...experience..&& i got d chance to meet
[von dutch]!ya..even he's someone else hubby..bt,dat gossip,i shall say,haven't proved YET!means,i still hev d chance..em,did i mention dat last tym i went to kangar fer my payment,he is actually [STARING] at me!!!!ahhh..sweet!bt,duhh..tym tuh,sayer tgh chat2 ngan [ayam],&& by d tym i realise,i was lyk..[tgh ckp nihh]..bla..bla..[i saw him staring]..hey,yg laki nih tgk ku pasai pa ntah..huhh..-datz wut happen!don't blame me!bkn tanak kasik respond positip bt,wut if d gossip is true??x pasal,dorg call me slut!huhh..man,my pride lagi worth it utk dijage yerr..haha.ok,next..!
&&,bout 2 weeks lps benti kije,out of d sudden,peeps around me start to talk && spreading nuws bout result SPM!huh?good...i cant even breathe.those three month feels like 3 hours!or can i say,three ticker..damn!everything seems to move as fast as ferreri nowadays..so,i was busy updating my matrix's application..
&& UPU too...yea,had to choose d field yg sayer nk further in future...do SWEAT me!i was lyk [blanked].i can hardly make my decision.guys,its about my life we're talking about..salah wat decision,habess..so,im praying fer d best.
since my spm exams,i've been at home fer almost 3 months!hey,its jz feel lyk yesterday..&& FYI i've spent my whole 5 years in SM SAINS TUANKU SYED PUTRA!yupp.from form1 until form 5.its not dat im tryin' to brag bout me being in residential skewl or wutsoeva..ya,maybe a lil bit..bt,dat doesnt mean anything!students skola sains,is NOt dat genius..true,fer some nerds they r brilliant..bt,TOTALLY [not] me!
no more words.maybe,i'll reconsider bout my choice afta tawu result?or after hangin out wift my skewlmates,bFF...tgk larr opinions dorg cne..em,we'll see..btw,don't u think im a bit relax..yea,u noe..other students mostly tgh shiver habess plus gigil lagik..&& i was lyk,hey!result nk klua 12 mac neyh..lps amek result,jom hang out?..im lying if i said i don't feel d thrill inside me.bt,nahh..it wasnt so bad after all..im worried,yess.bt,i just noe dat my result wont be a good one.huhh.dunno how to face my mum..she's been expecting real HIGH on me..sumhow,i du hope fer miracles to happen..huhu,,i've been thinking whether or not i go to school fer d result's announcing day.FYI,12 march is on KHAMIS!its still a school day.so,juz imagine...with lots of juniors yg i penah scold before..[fer a strong good reasons,fer sure]...dgn teachers yg expectation dorg tinggi from the [EVEREST]...&& friends yg fer sure akan dapat stret A's dlm sumer subject...[HOW ON EARTH I WOULD BE GLAD TO GO THERE?]
u tell me..?whats worst!my [ex] will be there.haha.&& did i ever mention yg one of his girlfriends is my junior,which make her to coinccidently being ALSO a student of my school??!no,dont worry,i'll be all [FINE]
.dude...how could i ever be there...?mm,think im done..sajer nk membilang hari2 yg lepas..seems so cepat la weyyh..!
sungguh tida sgke..i wont talk about result anymore afta diz..&& d nest tym i'll be writing d post bout result,will be on 12 march && ahead!!
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