yeah,cik taty telah TAGGED sayer...phew!tengs,dear (:
1.Apakah hubungan awak dan dia?
dye?baru jewrr jmpe...tawan,i can say (:
2.5 impressions terhadap dia?
- lovely!~
- amattt open!!!
- motivated ooo^^
- tough
- ambitious
3.Perkara paling memorable yang dilakukan kat awak?
memorable,yeah?sembang2 tepi dkt beach smpai 4 a.m....hihi
4.perkara paling memorable yang dia kata pada awak?
habaq betoi ah,jgn ah caya sgt kat laki...
5. Kalau dia kekasih awak.. awak akan...?
nk jugak force dye benti smoke!!!
6. Kalau dia jadi musuh awak.. awak akan..?
7. Kalau dia kekasih awak..
he need to change.i mean,a LOT~
8. Kalau dia musuh awak..
maybe sbb past habit dyer!nonono...tamaw larhh*___*
9. overall impression ttg dia
he's a GREAT person beneath ((:
10.The most desirable thing to do to her /him
naek banana boat sesamerrr!agaga^^
11. Apakah awak rasa tentang pandangan org terhadap awk?
typical...maybe a bit synical kowt?
12. the character of you for yourself?
i just wanna live!!!
13. On contrary, the character you hate about you
14. The most ideal person you want to be with?
hubby bee~~~
15. For people who like you, tell sumthing about them.
tengss a lot, me y,cus i dont c d reason y...
16. Ten people you tag:
tamaw tag...sengal!hehe :)em,sorg jer larr
-harith aka pooh!
17. no 2 ade hubungan dgn sape?
ntah?dye ckp dye single...
18. is no 3 male or female?
male larr,dude!adeyy^^
19. if no 5 and no 7 ade relationship?is that a good thing?
aku tak relaaaa...haha
20.Macam mane dgn no5 dan no 8
22 aku kasik lempang!!!!LOL
21. no 4 single kah?
he said 'yesss'
22. no 1 belajar apa?
suda kijer da...samer belia!wahaha
23. say sumtin about no 6
dye=i wanna meet u again^^borak epi beach lagiii!
24. no 9 kelakar tak?
true!klaka yg amat^^
phewww...finish juak!
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