shaha.i know,some of you don't like to hear that,but face it!last night(8p.m. saturday) i finally reached home.pheww...what a journey!yah,finally i decided not to take the train and burned the ticket though.i didn't go with them.i stay at my Pak Uda's house at seremban for one night.i took the bus.huhhh.i hate bus!it makes me dizzy.& want to puke!i don't know how's the BTN trip is going to deal with me.hush.tell nobody or else they don't want to seat with me,later!,to come back to the story,i thought a night stand at my uncle's house would mean bad luck.why?dont you know?he got like,i don't know...three KIDS!!!i mean,hell im going to die.but,thinking that otherwise i have to go on a train with a bunch of people that i dislike,i rather meeting the kiddos ;p(didn't i tell u that im allergic to them???u dont dare put them near me!)
so,here it come.Pak Uda told me that he's going to pick me up at 11am and as i expected,there you go,11am SHARP,he was waiting for me in front of Mawar's little gate.heee.he's a leftenan in airforce,,i follow him to INTAN.pick some of his buddies.then off to seremban.ouh,i skipped the part which i have to sit and have a drink with a bunch of old and RICH granpas,yahh,it was BORING!but i did some eye-flirting with some(for future sake).haha!dirty me.i did get this datuk to treat me juice(real one,ok!)!*winks*then,i pegi melawat tempat baju batek uitm dibuat,ok!hahaha.x excited pon,larhh!
sampai depan rumah uda,(omg!lamer xpost dlm BM :))i saw...CHILDREN.deadliest challenge for me!ouh,God,help me to cope...then,amazingly,god did hear my prayer.nahhh.he didn't take away the children but they were actually acting NICE to me.unlike other kiddos!im in a total shock!my favourite is Syafiq(why must this name?)he was soooo sweeet!
syafiq : akak fyna,jom ar pegi mall.
me : no larhhh,akak penat.nak titow,dear.
syafiq : akak tanak pegi,syafiq pon tanak pegi lah.ibu!syafiq tanak pegi,nk teman akak fyna.
me : syafiq pegi larrr,rugi ouh!
syafiq : syafiq nak teman akak fina.syafiq pon ngantok.nak titow jugak.
awww!cm tak cayer i can finally manje2 dgn budak.i mean,seriously,B-U-D-A-K! ;p here's the pic.Syafiq is in red.the other is Syauqat.little bro :)

overall,my stay was a total blast except for the fact that i left my lappy there.damn!journey in the bus?SUCKS.i dont want to talk about it AT lucky that i didnt puke on anyone else.or i'll get kick out of the that i'm home,i feel like im back into my palace once again.still haven't have time for hanging out with friends.some have had me booked.2 dates in line.hahaha!dgn scandal,yes.but,no way a bf-to-be.mum?she keeps stuff-ing me with her cooks.which is very fine as i had suffered from a great hunger in shah don't know where,but he seems to have every single fruits of my favourites all over the house.from rambutans to tembikaiii!sisters?so far,they didn't do much harms to me.and,i got packs of chocolates from langkaweee^^
plus,they also subscribe some new channel for me!hey yeyyy!but,still the renovation in my room haven't yet a bit dissapointed but,its okay larhhh.everything is good enough.feels good to be home...
huhu,ni yg suspen duk sbelah ko nnt nih...duk baik2 ea nnt..or else,i will......jeng3... hahah...
tu laaa...kan aku ckp knk2 ni best...kan2??hee...
yeyy!finally u r at home!!home sweet home...isn't??hoho...
bhahaha!brani2 ko carik mgse laen! ;p
still ngeri lorhhh..syafiq jeh x!
yeyyy!tp lappy,jiwaku di sana...
huehue...u nih mabok budak + bas neyh... least fynna da bley interact wif kidz...not all kiddos tue buas..dun worry..ehehe
heee...tawu xpe ;p
thats wut i've been telling myself all this time.
but,she just wont listen to me :)
lol~ one day lar...
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