*sigh*how to begin this,huhh?bet if u are reading and u happen to be in the same class with me (including budak H!) u must probably know what im going to write.so,it is adviceabe for u not to read it.im undergoing some sort of agonizing process called tension week.so,bare with me.
okay.let me catch a breathe first.huhhh...lately i often had sleepless nights.not that im going to blame this on why this whole crappy thing is happening to me,its just i think they might be connected in some ways.WTV.ouh,btw!today is Tuesday :) believe it or not,i haven't had my sleep for last night and the night before.not until this morning,of course.IMSONIA?no way.it all begin when,i decided to force my eyes to sleep after subuh this morning.thanks to Mdm Bhajan for cancelling the 8.30 a.m. class for the sake of us to prepare for the 10 a.m. test.i swear,i feel like im having the normal 30 minutes sleep when my friend came back from class and woke me up.it went like this,
"Fynn,don't u have test today?" I replied,"Yup.At ten".The next thing i heard is that,
so?what would u guys react if u were me?especially the girls.haha.i know!it's amazing that im NOT crying.well,frankly,it did feel like coming out but...there's no point of it.who is to blame?me myself and I!i was like,OMG!what should i do?should i go?or should i lie to her,telling that im sick?or should i call her up?*cursing words*im totally blur!then,my friend forced me to just go,so i did.i give my lecturer a call and she kindly said that,"if u want to take the test u come,i won't give u extend time"see what i mean?bet u guys did hear her whispering in her phone on that time,didn't u?lol~i had no choice but to rush down to class which is miles away.uhh!it's devastating when every single call i made for the cabs FAILED!or else,the pakcip taxi will be like at faraway country or somewhere.GREAT.

i need those!OMG.i'm allergic to pills :(
so,rapid,your my next aim.hey,thankgod i saw the 603 bus at the bus stop.just when i thought everything is going to be ok,i opened up my wallet to pay for the ticket and guess what?i dont have any of those rm1!ouh crap!can thing gets any worst?the rapid pakcip ask me to go and take the next bus.i don't know what time is it,hey!do u really think i have all the time in the world to even wear my watch??!luckily,the uitm bus was just there.as there is only few people on the bus,the driver decided to wait.huhhh.(sabaaa jeh!)along the journey,i kept on thinking whether or not i will be able to finish the test or how dead meat im going to be if mum finds out!she'll kill me!

so,sampai jugak at last!phewww.and,like AGAIN,life is not simple.kertas soalan taa cukp pulak!off i go to photocopy.God..can i just get back to my sleep?can i?can i?above all,i like to see the super annoying but yet entertaining kind of facial expression which i got by the time i opened up the door,tadi.so,thanks guys!that worth all those obstacles i've went through.guess,i woke up the wrong side of the bed,kowt?im praying for a good night sleep tonight :) i wish.
p/s: mum told me to see a doctor.NO WAY :)
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