Guess where i am at now?stuck in mawar!nice
guesses!*sigh*haha.fine,im just having this geram-dan-dengki-orang-lain-sumer-balek clouds around my head.looks like its going to rain soon.(not literally)so,as i was dayyyym bored,i think that it will be such a great idea to waste my precious little time on mukabuku(facebook).haha.i just love to take those quizez provided and pretend as if they were telling me the truth.yes,a side
which i let people tossing me around and i can live in my lalala land!(at least for some hours)i just love to fantasize!(of course,in a good way ;p)
so,after sorting some silly quizes,i end up taking the "IF YOU WEREN'T A HUMAN,WHAT WOULD YOU BE?"yeah,why on earth am i taking this?*knock my head hard*ok,it doesn't matter anymore,as long as im happy with i?sheeesss.stop it already lar,babe!okok.and the
result is....*drumroll*
a CAT!!!im so lovin' it!(i've announce it to my roommates.poyo.n not to forget,i blog about i
t too!!!)its got nothing to do with the description.i just wish to be a kitty.i always does(i didn't pray for it,larhhh!haha).i own this weird feeling which i call PASSION towards cats since forever!to your surprise,everytime i saw this fluffy little guy,i would rather run to them to say "Hi" or shouting LOUDLY from as far as i stand "Nyiawww!"(do pronounce it,correctly.don't hurts my feelin').What worst,if i were to meet the undenyably cute one,bare with me.cus,if im near my home i'll bring it back home or instead,i will have to take few minutes or probably hours to accept the fact that i am a NORMAL human being.there you go,im FREAKing you.out,huhh?!gesssshhh.truth be told,im a little bit upset with my classmates as they call one of my friend by 'miawww',whats the big D?hoho.its just,back then in school,the title is given to me,as i deserve it more than anyone else*sigh*so...u got me,alright,kan?P.S. dont let my classmate find out about this,okay?im getting myself used to it.this no longer my school.*blurr*
so,here's some pics of this awesome creature around mawar ;p

fynna meows...
meows = sexy ^^
aww, kucen2 tu gile cute. especially the one dlm pasu tu. haha.
meow...meow.. ^_~
hahah..pandaikn,dorg pose ^^
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