hari-hari sembang pasal lelaki.setiap jam puji-puji lelaki.setiap kali topic,LELAKI.im sick of it laaa~

kenapa mesti dalam banyak-banyak topik dalam dunia nih,mesti keluar pasal lelaki?lelaki tuh,baik laa.kelakar laa...sweet laaa...BOSAN!yah,call me lesbo or whatever.say it.i don't care!!!
and if u happen to disagree with me that when u talk about your oppossite sex like,TOO MUCH it will be annoying! just press the Alt+F4 button,thanx :)
i've been through this situation since FOREVER.people keep telling me the do's and don'ts,religion stuff regarding how to be a muslimah.doing this and that.couple is prohibited,talk to your opposite sex just when in needs,lower your gaze,don't bad mouthing others,dress properly,they even criticize me!fine,i admit that im a total dumb in these issues and that is probably the main reason why i need helps from u guys.on that particular reason jugak,i did follow every single thing that i've been told by people whom i assume to be more knowledgable than me in this area,BUT...

seriously,how does it feel when those people become what they have been strongly disagree for what u are before??!how would u react,when u gained some sort of everlasting faith from them and they betray it by the most dreadful ways that is to be something that what they don't want u to be!JUST as simple as that.'naff said.haha.what?then why didn't i correct them?lol...who am i?the one with the whole knowledge at the first place?*think
hah...out of topic.what is it with men?huhhh..don't remind me of the oppossite attraction,everyone in the universe know that!did u notice?or maybe it is just me.when there is a guy or a man who is quite, reserve and rarely seen talking to girls,he's going to be a HOT topic among the girls.yes,sorry girls cus spill the beans!every girls will start to admire him and within a month u'll see a lot of girls trying to change their way of dressing or etc.u know for what..but what if he is a girl???never think of it,huh?most probably,people will call her anti social,snob or etc.unlike in the guy's situation,no men will wear the jubah and lebai to impress her.neither will they admire her,instead,she'll be abandoned..kan?see,so,ssup with the guys?u tell me.
p/s: i currently have this some sort of confusion inside me.its the questioning whether to keep on believing or back to the real me,the dark side of me.don't condemn me and said that if ur iman is strong,u'll hold on.if u have faith in Islam itself,there won't be such doubt.then how would u explain those people who used to tell me these thing but now....im not a lab-mouse!
hey there=)
i think en.
by the time u start to get yourself in confusion.
u actually had found your answer.
(well, one of the answers in god's so mysterically world that drive sweet girls like u confuse)
it's no denial.
the guy secretes his hormones in thin air.
the girl smells it..
it's natural actually.
not too complicated
unless you're starting to ask people who can find recites from the quran. and others who stalks a person of opposite gender. then you'll get urself confuse even more.
setiap orang mesti nak menang dalam pendapat mereka kan?
so, my suggestion. go-with-the-flow.
banyak sangat fikir nanti kepala botak oh!
p/s: alah, boys and girls sama je..(except for whatever it is we're hiding in our pants ;p)
setiap malam dari pukul 9.00mlm till 5.00pagi. the boys (kenanga's top-players. excluding me cos i accidently tripped and wet my neighbour's room with nescafe 3-in-1.kena banned) musyawarah kat bilik my neighbour. sibuk meng-admire. sibuk mintak tips how to woo. sibuk meng-komen bout this girl..that girl..haihh~
what a life=)
pnjg nasehat u..tengs,nway :)
yuppp...suda mls maww pikio...
gosh!boys do that too?
haha...luckily ur not one of them.
gentlemen dont kiss n tell,right?
let them be ;p
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