Ape kes Fynn?
jangan bisinglah!this time biar aku tulis anything that i feel to.
dah lama rasanya since blog ni jadi open diary aku.
asyik blog skema dan plastic. aku rasa macam tahi.
sebab banyak blogger bising kalau tulis blog bercirikan open diary ni.
kutuk lah,ape lah..konon aku bayar diorang masa first buat blog dulu.
then, kes panjang.pffttt..
what the heck?
blog orang pon korang nak sibuk?
siap bagi advice macam pro,sinis sial~
banyak sangat kot buku yang korang pernah tulis pasal blogging ni?
biarlah.tak matang macam mana sekali pun,
even korang baca posts aku dan tak komen lansung pun,
terima kaseh setinggi KLCC sebab tolong up kan traffic!
sebenarnye,aku nak blog pasal lain tadi,korang ah nih!
*bongek Fynn!marah-marah tak tentu pasal*
sorry guys.
geram taw,geram!grrr
kenapa aku marah ?
pasal KAWAN lah!
frankly, aku rasa macam terhegeh-hegeh nak jaga hati perut kaw semua. gilaaa! kononnya sebab it has been more than 5 years i should tolerate whatever shit u guys put on me???
to some of you,thanks a lot sebab always be there for me and for not making me feel like as if i was the only one who's trying to make it work.
bukan buat aku rasa gila low standard from u guys,
cari aku bila perlukan,
dah tu bising pasal life aku!
belagak and acting snob out of nothing.
bodoh la sial.
lagi sorang minah ni,let's call her Pandi.
i don't know what's with her.
but out of a sudden, she start deleting me from everywhere.
senang cakap,from her life lah.
and, why on earth i once thought i've done wrong and i should seek for apology?
guess what?
thanks for the silent treatment.
and hell until now i don't know if i ever done anything wrong.
has i ever?
to that Pandi:well,we all know why Pandi,kan?seriously? why do u think u are that important?i don't know what is my mistake and indeed i believe i never did any to u.well, u see...we are not that close. we talk very rare.and suddenly u act as if u got something against me like a total retard.u must be proud,huh?ouh, and if and only if lah this had gotta do with this girl from high school,who stole your boyfie....WTF is that got to do with me?STOP being ridiculous and childish.
sekali sekala lepas tension macam ni,best jugak.
hahahaha :D
aiyoyoyoyoyoyoy @____________@
So, you tanak tulis pasal emosi or whatsoever sebab takut bloggers lain kutuk and bagi nasihat?? Lols..
Erkk, I selamba jek kot buat camtuh.
I mean blog kita kan, lantaklah kita nak tulis apa. Tak suruh baca pun kan kan kan?? Only those yg berminat nak baca, silalah baca :)
Newayys, WOW to that Pandi girl!!
Ahaha,, selalu jek kot gegurls bersikap macam dia. Budus~
Perempuan camtu tak bawak ke mana pun. Lols. Pikir diri dia tinggi sangat. Actually the same la, lelaki ke perempuan yang pikir diri dia oh-so-good tu memang takkan ke mana mana. Trust me.
Anywayy Fynna. Udah udah. Just luahkan jep apa yang terbuku. Hoho. Kalau kawan memang tanak dengar, u luah kat strangers =)
susah bila friends dah taw about this blog.
my writing is veryyy damn limited.
dulu mmg i promote free speech :P
Pandi tuh mmg immature.
mslhnye,i even ask her mcm tahi and she just ignore me.
thankssss :)
it means a world to me for u to write this comment!
hahaha followers i pun ada kenalan ustaz but i still tulis about him, lols. ada jugak kawan yg baca, i ada bagi link dulu but apa yang i tulis kat sini, benda yang ditulis di blog, if dorang nak baca, bacalah, jangan complain2. mesti ada sumthing yg buat i tulis kat dalam blog sampay tak mampu luah kat dorang whatsoever. newayss, u r most welcome :) u penah buat i senyum with FB comments, now i think it's my turn :D
i salute u babe!
but my friends gilaa tak sama like urs!
they spread news and turn 'em to gossip.
bout me bhind my back.
tats y i can't tolerate no more.
i wish i had a friend like u by my side,
i mean, in real world,
still im grateful knowing u virtually tho *winks
maybe kot.
the one who read my blog is not the one yang kena kutuk or tegur dalam my blog and they do understand my reasons for writing them up. and about ustaz, until now, his friends still don't have any single clues about him. sengallah. penat i bagi hint kot. hahaha :D
pepun kalau nak suruh u ignore kawan u, macam tak baik sebab nati masalah ni berlanjutan. maybe u should confront them, tell them apa yang patut, make them see your point of views, also u pun tengok theirs. but if diorang ni memang susah nak open2, belakang je tau cakap, depan lari, abaikan ajelah. takyah pikir2. masih ada kawan yang berhati taman kat sisi u :)
thanks again,hunn..
sygnye,dorg my high school peeps,
so ssh nk confront sbb msg2 dh bersepah-sepah.
nvm,i'll forget them ol lah.
hidup aman sentosa. lol
jangan pikir sgt la pasal org2 tu!
enjoy life sayang! =]
i won't bother dorg dah after tis ;]
sure will,dearest^^
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