WTH?am i going insane?or influenced by movies,maybe?BUKANLAH!yes,ader la kot siket.bu that's not it!okay,i shall stop using the exclaimation mark already. sgt annoying la,Fynn!ok.have u ever had sleepless night?well,if yes,u'll reach me.cus, i've been having your normal+ordinary sleepless night for almost 2 dreadful years! guess,mine is not that normal laa kot? people keeps telling me that i'm having imsomnia..then i was like,WHAT??!"go see a doctor laa"
NO WAY!!!he'll kill me!then,get away just like that.NO WAY,man!
idk just when this so called disease attacked me but i finally realize that i only sleep at most,4 hours a day.OMG!i know~ && that's why i'm feeling weak most of the time.of course i don't look pale!i wear make-up!haha.nevermind. let it be.i love staying up!plus,i'll get lucky when time in needs like during the examination,kan?so,cheers.so,mlm2 tak boleh tido,what are u doing?LOTS of things my dear.i try to vary them so that i won't get bored easily. My current activity i
s editing my pics into monsters' look.haha.i'm kinda enjoying it.&& of course, i'll let u see them :)
they said this appearance suit me better.*sigh*

i called this a book cover of upcoming twilight vers. Malay ;D

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