Hey...i mean it,hey!this is the countless time where i'm starring at this blank box where i should type some boring essays for u guys.gosh,i lose my words AGAIN.hate it when this happens.bullshit.i've been here for dayssss!!!ouh,excuse my words,alaaa...whats wrong with taik lembu,kan?hoho.in case you are wondering,i've done experimenting and,i think being nice is not that nice anyway~oke,oke...leave it.
tajok mcm besh kan?haha.admit it! ;D truth is,tajok tuh lansong takde kaitan dgn entry kali nih.haha...so aku nk blog psl aper this time?I DON'T KNOW!!!
fine lah!disebabkan i'm missing my besties muchos and tak dapat pegi small gathering yang my besties lansong takde tuh plus lack of ideas...shall i introduce you.....*drum roll*
my top bFF! :)
mesti dorg bangge t...
#1 NoorSuhaila Bt Hat aka Sue

Well,cmne aku bleyh terbaek dgn daknih pon,aku x brape nk igt lah~ *sorry* what i know, Sue
and me dlu,satu kelas mase form 1.heee...Kelas 1Jati. i think,the moment we really get close to
each other pon, since aku start migrate dorm when i was in form 3.hihik...aku slalu lepak dorm dye,and maybe sbb tuh we're getting close.days by days,aku start sense yang we both share lots in common like; we both HATE BOYS. bold that.and,disebabkan dye nih manje,aku dah anggap dye mcm adek senirik da pon...haha.it feels good to be around her sbb i feel very protective of her.and,she have been a great shoulder for me too.thanks darl :)
#2 Rehan aka Tuesday

kenape Tuesday?biarlah hanya isnin sampai ahad je yang tahu.lol~she's a petite little girl tapi pandai.mulot tuh,kalau nagging...tuhan je yg taw..and,me as along of the so-called family nih
yg slalu kena...name gelaran : Google SMSTSP. so,nak info ape-ape psl hal skolah dulu ktorg carik dye jeh..haha..dye nih freshie...and sgt dibenci oleh aku dolu-d
olu..haha!idk,tapi aku rase satu kepale jeh ngan dwarf aku sorg neh...plg besh kalau gossip!anddd,strong supporter too!dan,sgt sentimental. ;P
#3 NurAfizatul Azni Mihad aka Blusher

tingat jeh budak neh,one word = JIWANG. FYI,dye ader collection novels cintun penoh satu almari besauu..hihi..kotg rpt,sbb i lend my phone dulu kt dyer so that dye boleyh keep in touch dgn scandals dye sumer..since then,ktorg cm rpt...lepas tuh pulak,tym form 4&5 dye ikot aku migrate sekali dkt motel c2-UR tuh...dah tido sekali en,takkan xrpt...*winks* aku suker dye sbb aku boleh usik dye sesuka hatiii!weeeee....farid bitter,sila jgn mrh :) aku sygg dye most probably dye sgt memahami cus we've been thru byk same situations..kan
?and,dear...im still waiting for 'the novel of my life' written by u tuh,oke?
#4 Nuura Najiha Mohamad aka my private consellor

Jiha!aku sorg jeh yg pggl Jiha.org panggl Nuura.ngan pakwe unx,ryte?aku kire pakwe spare,oke?!dyer adlh kwn plg memahami aku.hihik...thanks ouh!budak nih mcm magnet,no matter jow much i try to repel,msh ader sides ktorg akn attract blk...she's such a good advisor.idk,but whenever i need advise like ASAP,i'll go find her.and,dye jeh yg know how to pursue me,make me think twice or in simple,she know what best for me ^^
#5 Nur Syazwani Ghazali aka Bun
Budak paling nakal pernah aku jumpe.hihik.aku suker daknih sbb dye sgt lembut dan sedap dipeluk,dicubit dan digigit!haha~padan mukaaa!suka buli aku sgt!ini teman aku tym buat jahat.tym gossip dan tym makan buadak aka junior!hahaha...sgt heppy kwn dgn Buntal(pingu ajar aku!) sbb junior sumer takot dgn dye!plus,dye slalu jadi aim seniors...and,suarenya yang
nyaringgg dan sifat romantis beliau.haha~Sebab unx,satu batch pggl aku 'tajam' but,aku suka org pggl 'miaww'!aku paling suka bila kami dapat buat bising time Amirah n etc tgh blaja dlm klas ^_~
# 6 Nur Azzah Che Ali aka Wednesday

aku lupa lah dorg panggil unx pe ;D aku suka Azzah yg selambe yayai...aku takot nak pandang Azzah yang baru bgn titow.tapi aku suka Azzah yg pandai melindungi aku..hihik...unx pon teman tocher aku jugak!!!wahaha...same-same lah kiter jd senior yg digeruni...azzah nih jenis ganas sket,n i like it!dye sgt tough,bagi aku...Azzah,igt g tym emo maser form 4 dulu?hehek....tym tu laa kot kter cm rpt sket..melalui mslh yang hampir samer...walaupun agk ganas,Azzh actually emotional jugak,oke?heee n_n
# 7 Noor Izzah aka Pingu

ini sweetheart batch aku...haha.budak nih,nampak je senyap...skali ckp...perghhh...sgt pedasss ouh!Sabah mari...aku kenal dye tym form2.haha...satu kelas tym dye baru pindah masok dulu....one more thing,dye nih,genius FREAK.seriously!asyek bacer komik Arena je kije hari-hari...tak penah study kot.result gempaq jehh...Pingu adalah karyawan yang paling kreative but yet humble kat SYTRA dlu.kan?suker menyakiti org dlm bentuk fizikal whether dgn kuku dyer or cakaran dye...aku pernah kena kot!kalau merajok,sgt susah maw dipujok...and,don't mess with her belongings especially super DIARY!makanan= priority! sgt manje,mcm budak-budak.drama queen mcm aku jugak.lakonan terbaek,tym tipu Mdm Anis dulu!haha...aku syg kaw bahhh ;D
sekian sajer....see?my high school was fun,isn't it?better than now.*sigh*
p/s:to my friends yg aku tak mention dlm nih,jgn kecik ati,oke?maybe sbb korg tak rpt sgt ngan aku or maybe ader sekuel kepade entri nih...afterall,we're good friends,aren't we? :)
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