Har-low.hopefully tajok kali nih cukup hawtt kot?super thanks to my lame semester break and friends who keep on wondering WHY.i dont know why,but i seems to shine like a celeb around my fellas since graduation(high school).its sucks to be a drama queen,though~whatever.wey...STOP spreading news already,buleyh?tahu je korang i was playing my ex la...turning bi laa...what else?pelik taw!ok,sebab aku dah boleh accept such a popularity without reasons nih,i decided to go with the flow.here,i'm revealing the top 10 reasons of why i'm still single~
*drum roll*
Reason # 10 :: Orang cakap, "Fynn,you are too CHOOSY!"
on my defence :sebab i want the best for me and bukan lelaki longkang yang anggap aku sim kad prepaid.boleh ada banyak dan tukar-tukar.
Dulu, masa aku kerja part time, there was this one guy,a cleaner to be exact, stalking on me!siap warning aku sebab tak layan dye!SICKO~that surely is CREEPY!and,u still blame me for being choosy?how about,lepas tuh, konon ader mamat sales-man kat situ datang kat aku & meluahkan segala isi hati, perut dan perasaan dia kat aku.GILA!aku choosy bersebab,and aku ader how-u-
wanna-be-my-boy list oke?
1-berIMAN.tak alem pon takpe.asal tak spoiled!2-must be pandai drpd aku,at least, AMBITIOUS!3-LOOKS,number 2.but,kemas sudey cukop~4-kekayaan.MESTI!budi bahasa.harta tuh,boleyh jugak^^5-FAITHFUL.well-described.
Reason #9 :: too DREAMY~
on my defences : planning.yeah,thats the words!
yes...aku nak TOP;Big Bang,
u have a problem with that??!
Reason #8 :: My relationship won't last lahhh!
Seriously,WHY??! setiap kali bila aku start sayang pada certain boy tuh, sooner or later, i'll found out yang he's cheating on me.or else,the boyfie akan bertukar menjadi sangat tak matang!bertukar menjadi orang lain.bodoh.lelaki memang tak matured.believe it or not,my
longest relationship hanya bertahan less than six damn month.GREAT.now you are talking to me about getting new one,huhhh?
Reason #7 :: I'm waiting for Mr.Right to pops out~
Aku malas nak pegi agency cari jodoh macam korang.malas nak berkenal-kenalan nih. bercampur gaul lagilah... Flirt? bosan lahhh... let's wait and see,shall we?percaya,jodoh dah tertulis di Luh Mahfuz tuh...oke,kawan-kawan?
Reason #6 :: There's something wrong with FYNNA.
haha.no,this is not ORPHAN.there's something wrong with me,there truly is.mungkin a bit paranoid and skeptic?terhadap lelaki?i say,why not...aku dah tengok dan rasa sendiri macam mana insan bernama lelaki tu merosakkan diri aku,kawan-kawan aku,family aku dan masa depan aku.susah la weyyy aku nak percayakan lelaki lagi~
and,,,penampilan kot?yelah...aku kan dah maken gemokkk.tak cute macam dulu lagi...dah tak boleh jadi diri aku lagi sekarang.haila~haila~ ader aku kesah?lol
Reason #5 :: MOST boys are being asshole :)
poligami di mana-mana.setiap hari aku dengar pompan kena tipu dengan boyfriends...lelaki-lelaki kat dunia nih sedang menambah koleksi aweks-aweks mereka.semua nak kahwen lagi satu,semua nak girlfriend ramai...GREAT!these days,boys don't fall for your personality anymore. they are just looking at your tits and your butt,deary :)
guys,don't blame girls for looking up at your abs and ass!woohoot!
Reason #4 :: I'm turning bisexual! WOW~
no further inquiry,please...joking!joking! no lah.i think having girlfriends is wayyy wayyy wayyyy better than having a bf.well,BFF is always better,kan?i have lots of girlfriends to do what a bf should be doing to me.except for whispering love words into my ears.wait,why not? *smirk*
Reason #3 :: kau DESPERATE, aku TIDAK!
buat masa ni,my heart is totally E.M.P.T.Y. em,u can say that,i'm a HEARTLESS womannn.. ;D
except for TOP la,of course.serious,jelesh tgk happy couple sumer,tp takkan nak main redah je grab somebody and pretend to be happy,kan?maybe,maser buat degree nanti :P
Reason #2 :: HATI aku tengah di renovate semula.
i was hurt so bad in the past and are terrified of being hurt again.So,im afraid of falling in love again.
Reason #1 :: Jatuh cinta boleh tunggu c:
study dulu laa weyyy. sekarang,maser tak sesuai...biar at least aku nampak arah tuju hidop nih dulu...bagi dapat dean list ker aper...exception kepada mana-mana billionaire tuh,besok pown takpe 
p/s:lepas nih,jgn tnyer lg dah.no more gossips,please!
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