Al-Fatihah kepada keluarga arwah Pak cik Kadir...

aku still ingat lagi masa sekolah dulu...arwah Pak Kadir la yang selalu marah kalau aku bising-bising main lari-lari tak tentu arah kat Lab Physic...
ada sekali tuh,dia marah orang tak panggil salam kalau lalu sebelah orang tua.
siap kasik lecture lagi!ouh,those moments...
ingat lagi tak,masa kita melawak dengan arwah bila kita nak carik Cikgu Luzman dulu?
haha.minum kopi kantin...donat pak Kassim!
gila sedih weh!even maybe aku takde blood relation pon,there then at SYTRA,everyone of are close like,if things like this happen,it will affects us all~
of course,it reminds me of DEATH.
recently,aku dah macam lalai dah...too much of the duniawi...
tengok semua orang berubah,i tried too.konon nak fit in lah~
dan,macam biasa,orang-orang yang aku pernah respect dulu...
one word,

they are not much different than others.
to be the only one who believe and try to persuade millions others is IMPOSSIBLE.
as much as i would like to live on my own life,
just don't give a damn about those peeps, my belief told me not to.
if u know what i mean~
so,tell me,what best to do?
most dah berubah...
kata-kata yang kononnya prinsip dulu dah hilang with the wind~
maybe diorang macam aku jugak,
nak fit in.HAHA~
i've told one of my friends about this,and she said,
biarlah Fynn,itu orang lain.kalau ko yakin aper yang kaw percaya sebelom nih,is true,then go on. Rasulullah sendiri tak dapat lari dari,what made u think u gonna go thru all these tat easy?satu titik hitam pada bulu biri-biri!be tat,girl!dunia memang melalaikan,tp,kan tuhan dah cakap?it's TEMPORARY.
gila berbekas kat hati aku...nyawa kita nih,bila-bila masa je tuhan boleh ambek...sedarlah,FYNN!!!i need my late roomies!i need those motivations...
P.S. semoga roh arwah dan keluarga dicucuri rahmat.aminnn...
1 comment:
btol3 weh...terkezut ak dgr brita nih...blom msk tv g mak ak dh kol dr ofis dier ckp kt ak menda nih....:(btolla...wpun x dak relationship paper still sedey gla...
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