How come i never thot of it?
that night....LOL!
that very fond night,your sudden unrealistic reaction!
so,that is it!
a picture of his in your own personal album?
him,the one who once was MINE!
even i don't have it!god sake!
i should have guess it long before!
go KILL yourself!
u know...

you're nothing but just a shit in this dark hole.if u really desperate to have him,you should have tell me in the face back then.HAHA.of course,i'm willing to give that piece of junk free of charge!GOD!'s funny,u see?seriously,does it feels good to be craving for a man who is being rejected by many?obviously,it is la kan?again,HAHA!
darling,it's feel real great for me to know your shameless feeling now.but,i don't think he's interested in u,cus HAHA,he did choose me instead,didn't he?and,,, i DUMPED him!
very well,
keep on flirting,
haha...huh? ;p
haha who's that fynna..? ;0
i wish i cud tell on her to public...
but,lets jz be a lil kind~LOL
and,wishing her luck in tackling the guy!*grin
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