
Thursday, October 28, 2010

Come,eat some heart.

atau dalam bahasa Melayu nya; 


FYI,sekarang if ada orang tanya; "Fynn,kau nak jadi apa kalau boleh?"


Yes,zombie.sebab bagi aku sesetengah manusia yang berlegar-legar di sekeliling aku sekarang ni, harus rasa penangan gigitan zombie aku.So that aku boleh makan otak sekor sekor.Sebab,daripada otak tu menyemak je dalam kepala,tak berfungsi,aku rasa better aku makan,kan?YUM YUM

I'm getting tired of these sickening friends i had around me.Put up a show every now and then.Whenever you're like needing my advice, my accompany or anything, here you are begging for this and that,pathetically plead, fake an effing intonation.Babi lah.I wish I'm that dumb,honey bunny.

Remember this one time when you had crush all over this gay man?And what do i do?Been hearing to all of your bullshit like hell kan?I even supported you,getting fake i-wanna-show-him-i'm-being-gossiped-with-you-and-i'm-shy hit on the back(several times),picking stupid yet obvious hints for you and giving free counselling sessions.What was that all about?For the sake of friendship or Hitler's thing?

Let's turn the table now.So,you've been rejected.And hell jyeah,that's it.Now it's like my turn to have crush on Mr. Curly,and when i acted moronic like you used to,what do i got in respond? The could-you-get-it-over-with look.


Comm'on, sunshine. Jealous much? Ouh, I'm sorry that not everyone fall for your sweet saint-anic innocence face.Awwww.

Cut it out,boleh tak?Why the hell must you perasan of every status of mine at Facebook?Heck yeah,major part of it is intended for you,princess. It's weird though when you knew i hate you and everything but yet you're still clinging on my armpit. GROSS. then had me as a thesis topic for you and your assholic friends. Really,i don't need that cheap kind of publicity.


i effing hate everytime i got text from you!

"Weh,ko katne?"

Yeah,go ahead spreading news that i'm the one yang lacking of manners.The one yang 'orang gasar'-like,what else?Worst of all?Influencing people adversely.Uh huh,you really think so?

On my defence, whenever people are friends with me,i accept them as they are.I don't need them to be ayu,moronic,cantik,sopan,and you know other bullshitters. That is why they're happy around me.sebab they don't have to fake,they dont need to worry "do i do right","am i presented enough","am i too rough",and i saw their laughters.IT'S REAL.hey now, you too,remember?it was great not having to fake kan?When you don't have to ass people with your so-called self.

Kesian lah.betul.memang kesian kau nih.

And what's with ordering me around?The King of Anything didn't work on you,i guess?for GOD's sake,stop oppressing people doh!You know best.You're not that i-know-everything-on-earth girl,you're just plain, trying to get smudges looking like a masterpiece. Such a big talker,but really, you actually believe people's are buying your shits?It ain't third grade baby.Grew up fast,you're wayyyy behind.Get some calci-yum.


one more thing.will it hurt for you just to ask;

Is there anything bothering you?Is something wrong?

whenever you caught me,fall in sudden silence,with such a long face,and walking like heart broken puppet?or was it really that hard to read?'re killing me.


Such a dumb dumb.

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