as much as i pretend to hate cursing,it some sort of make me feeling better.cus u know,we rarely get a correct choices of words to express our,make good use of every single of ' lets look from the good site of it,at least im not trying to be a pretender.suka hati people nak judge aper,try me!see if i care...
what really got me on my nerve is the slumpiest management that eyes ever witness in the whole universe!take that.when i was in high school dulu,i was like...OMG,this is bad.nothing could be worst.but now,hey!dream came true!great,huhhh?of course i'm not expecting this...lebih-lebih lagi,from a well-known institution which i'm studying at.and,be sure that,u guys doesn't even have a clue which one is it.please,i don't wanna get sue! ;D
its hard to believe it but,tell u what.none of my colleagues know anything or being given any stupid notice that i use to hate,about when we are supposed to head back there and get ourself register!not to mention how clearance was greatly working management,huhhh guys?em,do i have to mention about your concern on how we are suppose to register courses,paying bills and etc.?not to forget,date on when examination result are out...that's a very nice of u to forget the fact that this is our second semester which by all means we are freshly new here!!!seriously,have u ever notice?ouh,i forgot...the grunge from the so called BTN thingy...u haven't get over it,didn't u?well,guess what?
*sigh*leave it.this is a regular thing that constantly happens to those people whos on top.they expect much and give little,or approximately nothing back.what else can i do except for whining kan..thank god,i got one more sem to go...phewwww...
p.s. >tadi maser tgk dashboard,byk btol blog yang aku suda follow.and some sgt membosankan. plus,u guys doesn't even know that im following u kot.therefore,im gonna stop doing case ur wondering~
and,,,,,thanks a bunch for this award! ^^

1 comment:
no lah...ur blog is my fav ^^
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