Greeting peeps.how are u doing?*sigh*unbelievably, it has been almost a week since i checked in here.new room and a whole new package of roommates didn't bother me as bad as i though it would be.well, thank God, indeed i think i'm liking it this way.haha.don't ask why.the atmosphere are totally different and surprisingly things keep getting better.which is extremely good for me.guess,life in uitm is not that bad after all.but still,i'm not planning to continue my degree anywhere near here.lol~
lagi?subjects are getting tougher especially Economics.darn it!the lecturer pon tak best sangat but nevermind,i'll try to catch up.and,that's mean by myself la nampaknya...*sigh*gosh!another bloody semester to go and off i go.like it or not,this time kenalah work my ass off.no more silly mistakes like before.no more low carry marks and stupid whining from this unbearable mouth of mine.hahah!sengal la kalau kena tukar kos lain.pathetic~
all and all,life sangat fun each days!so far,la kan...classmates?they're fine but...there is this conflict with some of the outsiders yang very the annoying laa! sangat kasihan melihat mereka. wtv.i don't wanna give a shit~till then,do miss me cus i will not be onlin-ing often.
p/s:my compulsive obsession towards Tabi is too much.&&.i'm loving it!woohoot^^
p/s/s: guys,next eid aku balek perlis,okay!damn,dpt seat blakang skalik =_='
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