I'm pretty sure that most of us are familiar of this game called hangaroo nih.for those yang tak pernah,u can start try it cus in this game u can kill a kangaroo yang di hang to a noose!yipppie!i so love killing the kangaroo!nway...however,how many of u pernah drive
BMW???haha...ada apa kaitan seekor mahlok aussie tuh dgn superb bmw?to be exact, BMW Z4~

the story goes like this...
A man, is driving at 225kms in his BMW Z4...keta perghhh..kalau aku,lagi laju la aku
drive!haha...but then,
he hit something!damn it,it was a kangaroo.looks like he really hate the HangARoo game,huh?haha...what a responsible road users,not to forget the high speed,he stop to make that the kangaroo is fine.or to send it to the emergency ward,maybe?lol.
It was gone!the kangaroo had gone!!!
why am i not surprise?of course,it has gone to heaven.or.....elsewhere?if i were u,mr. driver,i would have check the engine~

told ya!tragic huh?lesson of the day ;u don't need a noose to kill a kangaroo! ;D
p/s:for more pictures,go to this sites.credit to B'jue Corner
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sgt mencabar en? ;p
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