Honestly,sepat sakap sape sini penah buat implant!HAHAHA
ok,okay,this is not supposed to be a funny post,sarcastic maybe?
jolok-jolok-jolok |
Oh,lagi pervert anda,i think lagi baik pemahaman anda bagi entri kali ni.
Do we need pictorial?
budak underage or narrow minded,this is where you start to scramble!
fake boobies are U-GLY!
so are fake friends!
- You know,when you and another two friends walk together, you don't leave one behind and walk as fast as you can ahead!quote balik apa komander aku cakap ;
macam mak minah kena kejar babi gila seks
- When you woke up late and text your friend to leave without you, a real
boobsfriend text back ;
Tak payah mandi,i'll wait!
Fakers : (sumpah seranah dalam hati) and text back
- A real friend laugh at your sarcasm, fake ones offended!
- A real deal be with you when time in needs, fakers ask you to do so!
I really, really hate fake friends. It's fun though watching them faking it right before my eyes. So,if any of you happen to be on the same boat as I am; obviously nothing we could do to fix those selfish yet hypocrite kind of species. I've seen so many and i'm glad because hey, karma is just around the corner!
Don't use people!Your not even close to royalties!pffttt...
p.s. of course some akan terasa,HAHA.i won't take back my words, renung-renungkan, you should give what you receive, don't mark yourself as princesses, that's beyond impossible.don't mumbling and complaining about me hurting your feeling think about you selfish-ing yourself. Go ahead terasa about my status at FB or this sort of post, I DON'T CARE :) and yes, do come back every time you need my 'service'. I didn't realize i was your slave,afterall.Awwww...did my sarcasm hurts your feeling?
susa mau dapat yang real..
yeppp..i have 2 of a kind but mlgnye dorg jaoh T-T
oh my god.! i so agreee with this akak!..
im pissing of cz fake friend are jerk , n they are like breast implant and they are actually parasite.! huh
so true!
hanging there,gal..
true frined will walk in eventually :)
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