Thursday, April 30, 2009
sweet dream♥


Sunday, April 26, 2009
N,u tagged me!tengss^^
Reminder : Don't read ahead unless you fill above names first!
#1 :: Legolas
#2 :: Sue
#3 :: Aril
#4 :: Iena
#5 :: Anati
Question 1 : How do you meet 1?
::: dekat skewl,ouh!tym form 4..ngeee~
Question 2 : On the Scale of 1 - 10, how you rate your relationship with no 1?
::: 9!haha...one more to go^^
Question 3 : How long have you known 4?
::: em,three years?kn,iena?
Question 4 : How do you know number 3?
::: sbb dye masok af7!awokkk!
Question 5 : Where 5?
::: stay dkt sp,dowh...
Question 6 : A Fact about number 1?
::: DOB~2 march 1991
Question 7 : Who is no 4 going out with?
::: single kembali(: geng sayerr!
Question 8 : What does no 1 do for living?
::: menghabiskan bogheh yo!haha
Question 9 : Would you live with number 3?
::: i wish!
Question 10 : What do you like about no 2?
::: seems lyk everything...
Question 11 : Do you miss number 5?
::: kinda!she my cuzzy,ouh!agaga^^
Question 12 : Would you make out with number 4?
::: erkk?!i am STRAIGHT!
Question 13 : What's your opinion of number 2?
::: ntah...no comment
Question 14 : What is your fav memory with number 5?
::: maser hols!!!gempaq wooo^^
Question 15 : What would you do if number 1 going out with number 2?
::: nk matiiii kah!!!!grrrr...
Question 16 : ever had a long conversation with number 5?
::: of course...tmbh2,lately nihhh..
Question 17 : have you ever slept at number 2's house?
::: never
Question 18 : Do you hang out with number 3 often?
::: in my dream!haha
Question 19 : Who do you known the longest?
::: #5 larrr...dr tecik tuhh(:
Question 20 : How often do you talk to number 1?
::: sgt selaloooo...nnt,klo x wendu^^
::: sort of larr...she's my besties.
Question 22 : Have you ever thought 3 more than a friend?
::: im a BIG fan!
Question 23 : May be you want to go out for a date with number 5?
::: boley ajer...cuzzy!tgk wyg,jom!!!
Question 24 : Do you dream about number 2?
::: em...penah kah?tida larrr~
Question 25 : What did number 4 did to you that you never forget?
::: erkkk...nih,projek revenge samer ex!bhahaha
Question 26 : What have you done to number 1 that he/she never forget?
::: honestly,EVERYTHING!&& those letters,kn syggs?(;
Question 27 : What is number 3's hobby?
::: shuffle!hihi
Saturday, April 25, 2009
maktab,CIKGU kah aku??!

my god!dpt..y!y!y!!!!tamaw...huhhh..pastuh mmg my parents encourage gler...soh jadik cegu larr.tamaw.tamaw.yeah,sayer mmg sorg yg xbersykr..haha.yelah,i noe byk lg kt lua saner yg nk sgt dpt mktb nihh.pastuh,sayer dpt,bt tamaw lak ann.mesti byk yg mrh an?so sorry...really i dont prefer...ngee~somehow,5may nih interview!duhh,dgn nk kne wat essay lagik la...tamaw!!!!!urghhh!somehow,kne pegyy jugak.maw pwaskn ati parents..matrik cne?masok dlu situh...t,klu dpt offer maner2 baru kua..hadeyy.brape byk mggu orientasi sayerr kne gone through nihhh???sorry,sayer mmg suker whining(:
Monday, April 20, 2009

again...TRIMASSSS samer ANNA syumell cus awarding sayer lagikk!sukaaaaa sgt!i lykk!bhahaha~at least dpt cheer me up a lil bit(:tenggs,hunnie.rajenn sunggoh kamoo inih!
sumpah!aku jatuh CINTA!

- first tym tengok dyer tross jatuh hatii!voilaa^^
- suare dyer mmg bikin cair woooooo!
- dye punyer attitude atas stage*perghh..cm pengkritik jewr aku nih
- aderr style yg the beshhh!
- manjerr!sukerr teddy + bantal pelokkk!muahaha...
- mmg sukerrrrr sangatttt!
- terbaekkk wokk!
so,mmg minat larrr...bhaha!
Saturday, April 18, 2009
memories are meant to keep(:
msg #1::
bt,yg plg i sukerr is a msg from my cuzzie nih,kak ngah Zura!^^ actually,tym nihh,i tgh sengsara ngan [my ex] yg wat hal tuhh...haha.dulu(:so,dye kasik advice.short,bt mendalam!
Relax sis...
if u feel like u r being fooled, think +ve coz u have another 60 years to go..
ramai lagi org yg u akn facing after this...maybe this time only one guy had cheated on u...next time who knows a girl maybe???
carefull k..
yg nihh,[my ex] kasik...tataw naper i still smpn?anehh..xpe,da dlte da..haha.korg judge larr,wt u think?
korg nk taw pe dyer tuleh???sile jegil-jegil kan mata anda!muahaha((:
p/s:[my ex],ko kn slalu skud blog akuw nihh.so,kalo ko raser terhina,teraib,termalu or ape2 alasan yg aku x penah pk tym nk post entri nihh,siler inpom,occay.nway,sorie hoho~
Friday, April 17, 2009
HOT topic!
nih lak KMNs punyer logo...haha.korg tawu?kaler buses dorg samer cm kaler logo nihh!haha.funny~nk lagi ker??i tgk dyer nyer accomodation pown agk okayy larr.ader court tennis,basketball,gym && etc..i promise u guys,kalau i jadik pegy saner,i will post some pics of the place sinih,alright?(:kalau jadik larr...
overall,hari nih sumer asyek ym,text-ing,comments me sumer pasal matrik larr..sebab tuh hott sgt tuh..daa~ader yg dpt,ader yg x...ader yg dpt choices dorg ader yg dpt jaohhh ke laott saner nuh..fortunately,dorg bley accept.great,u guys!utk sesaper yg dpt tuh,,CONGRATES!!!&& to yg xdpt tuh,cepat2 buat rayuan!rayuan is open sampai 30 APRIL 2009 jewr!so,hurry guys!
besides,nihhh,i got a list of peeps of my batch yg dpt offer matrik...OBVIOUSLY,KMPP is sooo my skewl nyer teritory!anyhow,hepyy furthering kawannnn^^
KMPP~sytra :
PERLIS::syadza,adilah,wana,wani,wan,aiman,farid bitter(:,naj
MELAKA::sakinah && our loving couple[chot+jihah],nina
PAHANG::munze,mat fern,moja
p/s:saper yg listed sinih,do inform....kalo yg dh inpom tp aku xletak gak tuh,mmg aku tamaw ltk r...sbrg rayuan TIDAK akan dilayan~
Matrikulasi...finally OUT
Anda membuat semakan menggunakan No Kad pengenalan ************

Yuran Pendaftaran.
1. Program Satu Tahun
- Sains/Teknikal - RM 220.00
- Perakaunan - RM 212.00
2. Program Dua Tahun
- Sains - RM 160.00
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
demam awards is not over YET!

kenaper single?
sebab,tade org nak!!!sebab,tade yg berkenan!!!sebab serik nk kapel!!!sebab tamaw cayer boys lagik!!!sebab,mmg tgh tade prasaan!!!sebab malas nk berchenta!!!sebab islam x kasik!!!sebab byk sgt sebab!!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009
1. Kalau anda jadi orang terkaya di dunia?
OMG!maw pegi honeymoon di bulan!!!haha(:
SHUT UP!haha..Playboy,Vanity fair,Vogue..i'll be on d cover!

Apekah???shit..romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone...lalalala

try me!muahaha

Monday, April 13, 2009
don't love me,please...
i appreciate him much!tp,sayer dpt agk yg he might hev crush on me..damn it!this is the hardest part of it.he said that he found someone that he's gonna be loyal wif.i noe,from the talking.i can detect it.i can feel it.dye ckp,dye nk lukis my potret[seriously,mmg lawa dyer lukess!]..duhh.dye slalu praise me..always make me smile.care fer me a LOT!huhh..mesti korg wonder,klo cmtuh y on earth i wud ever reject him?entah...susah nk explain.maybe,sbb my heartbroken made me a paranoia..true,he got almost everything.everything i wud ever asked in a man.romantic.pandai jage my heart.a lil bit funny.loyal.sweet.caring....but.how am i gonna say this?
dear [firsty],i really am soooooooo SORRRYYYY!i cant accept u.its not u,its me.its just i cant do this.i really,really,really syggs u.bt,im not in love with u.i want to giv it a try.tp,i dont want to be with u,jz bcus i wanna get on track again.while i hev no feeling fer u.its not fair.hunnie,u can call me bitch,slut or wutever.u can hate me.tp,dont ever fall fer me.please.i know,exactly hows it feels being hurts.i dont want u to feel the same.cus i cant be there to comfort u as im the one whu break u down.im begging u,i tataw nk ckp pe g.just jgn syg sayer sgt...i do not deserve your love.there must be someone else even better than me.im not worth a wait.honestly,i want to love u sooo bad.bt,dlm nih...ati nih...maybe dye suda serik.dye x dpt thn lagi.my doesnt hev faith in love no more.im not dare enaff to take the risk,yesss,call me coward.please do.im too fragile.forgive me..
::this is the comment::
Mungkin Tuhan sengaja mahu kita berjumpa dgn orang yg salah sebelum menemui insan yg betul supaya apabila kita akhirnya menemui insan yg betul, kita akan tahu bagaimana utk bersyukur dgn pemberian dan hikmah disebalik pemberian tersebut
Apabila salah satu pintu kebahagiaan tertutup, yg lain akan terbuka tapi selalunya kita akan memandang pintu yg telah tertutup itu terlalu lama hinggakan kita tidak nampak pintu lain yg telah pun terbuka untuk kita
Teman yg paling baik ialah seseorang yang kita boleh duduk bersama di dalam buaian dan berbuai bersama tanpa berkata apa-apa pun dan kemudian berjalan pulang dgn perasaan bahawa itulah perbualan yang paling hebat yg pernah kita rasai.
Memang benar yang kita tidak akan tahu apa yg kita punyai sehinggalah kita kehilangannya dan juga benar bahawa kita tidak akan tahu apa yg kita rindukan sehinggalah "Ianya" hadir.
Ia cuma mengambil masa seminit untuk jatuh hati pada seseorang, satu jam utuk menyukai seseorang, satu hari untuk menyintai seseorang tetapi ia mengambil masa sepanjang hidup untuk melupakan seseorang.
Jangan pandang kepada kecantikan kerana ianya akan lapuk ditelan usia, jangan kejar kemewahan kerana ianya akan susut ditelan masa. Apa yang kekal hanyalah kecantikan hati seseorang... .
Carilah seseorang yang bisa membuatkan kamu tersenyum kerana ia cuma memerlukan sekuntum senyuman untuk mencerahkan hari yg suram. Akan tiba satu ketika didalam kehidupan apabila kamu teramat rindukan seseorang sehingga kamu ingin menggapainya dari mimpi dan memeluknya dengan sebenar.
Mimpilah apa yang kamu inginkan, pergilah ke mana-mana yg kamu ingin tujui dan jadilah apa yg kamu inginkan kerana kamu hanya memiliki satu kehidupan dan satu peluang untuk melakukan semua perkara yang ingin kamu lakukan.
Semoga kamu memiliki kebahagiaan yg cukup untuk membuatkan diri kamu menarik, percubaan yg cukup utk membuatkan kamu kuat, kesedihan yg cukup utk memastikan kamu adalah seorang yang istimewa.
meet my nuw baby boo!^^

Saturday, April 11, 2009
me vs chilhood

Contoh: MOE MAT 911001115263 dan hantar ke 15888
Friday, April 10, 2009
taggie by missy tyrah^^

Kenapa anda suke gambar ini?
kenapa eh?sebab,these are my besties.i appreciate them muchos.these are peeps yg slalu ada by my side whenever i need someone to talk to.dorg jugak yg gives me hope untok continue living.we are so like real siblings!!!by the end of the month ktorg nk pegi private reunion!yeyy..cant wait!
Bila kali terakhir mkn pizza?last tym,few days lepas result kua~~~Lagu terakhir yg anda dengar?Don’t Forget—Demi LovatoApa yg anda buat selain selesaikan tag ini?dgr lagu~ymSelain nama sendiri anda suka dipanggil dgn panggilan apa?sweetheart^^
Tag lagi 6 org *soalan seterusnya ada kaitan dengan org yg anda tag!
Siapa no 1 pada anda;
Nuw online fren yg cute(:
Org no 3 ada hubungan dgn sape?
N,eh?dunno larh,xpenah nanye…ngan saper N???
Kata sesuatu berkenaan org no 5;
Bagaimana org no 4?sempoi!i lyk!^^
Siapa org no 2?
Kwn sayer jugak…((;
Bagi pesanan pd org no 6way to go gal!towards brighter future!!~_^
tagged by Z.H.E.T.(:
1. type of person you would settle down with?
-maw komitmen!!!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
first love
hell yeah!nice guess...im in the mood of LOVE...huhuhu.what got into me,huh?nothing.its just out of a sudden terkenang this someone...yup,someone special...veryy...veryyy speacial!*winks..siapekah?haha.wont tell u!the truth is,i've been tracking him fer years!hoho.bkn jejak kasih,yaa..alright,u win.he's my sweetheart.at least,used to be.he could possibly was no,he was my FIRST LOVE!god,i miss him soo...em,do u guys still remember,in my older entry...a very old one,,the conversation between me && kamarulnizam?haa..i did admit that my nuwest [ex] was the best among them,ryte?well,let just say,he's not.chill larr [my ex],i put u on the second,eh?huhu.so,FYI he's my first crush ever!yeah,i noe!he's my senior..he's form 5 when i was in form 1...&&,just like satu kewajiban,he got his own nick!given by no one else other than,me!wuuhuu!noty me...wawawa~apekah?introducing....[berok]!!!agaga^^..y?x sweet ker?adeyy!but,i think its cute!weehu again![abg berok]aww!syumell larh tuh!muahaha!p/s:dye tataw!ngee~
above all my crushes,he's the only one yg i manage to tackle!hakhak!fun!lps dyer kua skewl,i mean after form 5 larr..tym tuh x confess lagik.i waited fer almost 3 years!until i finally have the guts to tell him bout my feelings..haha.guess,things really went as planned.believe it or not!ktorg jadik couple jugak finally~~~weee^^.mmg hepyy sgtt.bt,hepyy xlamer...mmg sgt2 xlamer!u noe,i was soo immatured lagik tym tuh...ktorg ader konflik sket..there was a bitch yg interfere!!!damn uuu!mmg aku xkn luper kau larr bitch plus slut!shittty tol..kaco my cinderella story.bt,she's not flirting with him or such.tp,mmg dye ruin everything lar!!!every SINGLE thing!bt,he said,darl its okayy.i dont mind...tapi,i was stupid by then!yelarrr,i was fifteen!urghh...i always regretting things up kn?(:bt,i really want him.bt,tataw lar,what was im thinking tym tuh!biol arr ko nihh,fynn!afta that,mmg ader contact gak,bt not often lar...at last,lost contact tros!mmg i did mcm2 gak maw carik him...bt,xpenah jmpa...until now.nk jumpa!nk jmpa!nakkkk!naakkkkkkk!yup,aku gila((:
korg tanak tawu ker,y sayer suker dyer?well,cmnih...cam besa,ciri2 guys yg i suker,he is so ALEM!y i said so??korg tawu histeria?haha.dye yg slalu tlg incase this thing happen.aww!sweet kn,my saviour??i noe!hero skewl tuh!dolu,tym takowt2 i slalu mintak advice dyer...*weehuut!rase protected sgt tym tuh..sgt!sgt!huh,,how i miss tym dolu2...wendu...(:k,second...he own such a lovely voice!im not kidding u,nihh...mmg i suker dgr dye nanyi!waalaa...raser cm terbang wo...seriously!hakhak...gatai!ok larr...sampai sinih jer...cus the more i talk bout him,the more i fall in love,the more i miss him.hoho.duh..now,im on a mission of tracking him,yet again!em...wish me luck,guys!!!i really looking forward of meeting him again~
p/s:if i really like the boy like sooo much!i will let him know.so far,i did it twice.i guess,i prefer kalau im the yg start flirting dulu.ya,most gal xsuker wat first move eventhough proved guys mmg prefer gals making the first move..i just ove to be the FIRST!