19 Feruary 2010
i won't forget this date!
the worst day ever in my entire life!suck it through!
for the first time live,take this;
curious much?
on that cursed MORNING,
shit!i know it's my turn for the real persuasive speech.LAME.and,hell i thought i admit it publicly to the whole class and i did apologize for not being ready. but yet, still why does my lovely and beloved lecturer keep on bugging me all the way through my entire speech???
Are you gonna read the introduction?
and,please...what is up with your vengeance, my dear? HAHA. u do make me laugh. since last week, up until today i know u always had that something against me.and, hell yeah i fucking care. i might be such a lousy student, malas nak attend your class, sit at the back whenever it's your class, chit-chatting with my friends during your class or so ever... what kept you from wondering why other lecturers doesn't have any problem with me like we did? and,FYI, i thought you are totally well known of the idiom ; worth a penny. its not just the american currency kot? and, what about my writing is more like English people? isn't it the reason why we learn English?well,i'm wrong kah?LOL.and, accusing me of plagiarism? what else do you got?
well, i'm totally glad that Monday is our LAST class.
towards the cursed EVENING,
dammit!i jump into my ex. never once crossed in my mind that anything like this is gonna happens. that surprise meeting really did bring back sad memories. why today,why? fullstop.
on the cursed PROM NIGHT,
yessss. i thought this is gonna happen. bad luck just don't give up half way,you see? i arrived late at the hotel. fuck. the seats are all full! sad....
let's rewind...
i had planned just everything for us (my gangstas) in order to make it and have seats. for the night to work out well. Izan, i thought i always tell you not to be to kind.
jangan baik sangat dengan orang,
sebab bukan semua orang akan balas madu dengan madu.
tak kisah lah seikhlas mana kita struggle tolong orang,
at the end of the day, selfishness prevails.
budi, orang tak pandang!
seats takde,
finnally dapat seats but with bitches,
memalukan diri,
foods tak sempat nak di-grab.
sweet memories?NONE
malu nak upload kat FB.orang lain banyakkk piccas and had a great night. and my outfit SUCKS too,kan?haha
nak makan pon tak senang.
nak makan pon tak senang.
frankly speaking,
agak terkilan dengan most of my friends.
kenapa?anda fikir sendiri lah.
and,tak payahlah nak tanya aku in person,
the comment link is not made for fun.
and, please note this has got nothing to do with the committees.
and, this make me realize the fact ;how UNIMPORTANT i was.
i knew it from the start but i keep on denying.
not anymore.
it's a fact which i can never change.
it sucks to be invisible.
MIDNIGHT, when i thought everything is about to stop,
i drive super fast.
im so furious!
we planned for a lepak at i-City,
but damn,tutup!
off to KFC,
nak gerak balek,
kereta buat.
macam shitfuckingasshole.
well,what do you think?
i've read a fortune cookie just now,
and it said;
the bad things are all behind you now.
how i wish it is true.
my strength is starting to fade.
*crossed fingers
i love pic no 1..:)
teehee...thanks hunn^^
sorry fynn bout da seat coz I'm not incharge of dat..So xtaw nak watpe..bcoz it suppose to be there..EEe..geram tol ngan girl2 yg xsedar diri tu,,kalo ak taw..mmg kene LAZER ngan ak.hahaha..
pasr is past...
bhahahhaa...kite senasib rupenye ;D
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