Friday, May 22, 2009
Let Me Go...
Monday, May 18, 2009
these are our MALAYSIANs...
haha...tajok ala-ala politik lak!adesyyh..hari nih,isnin(yeker?)...perlis cotiiii!sbb aper???bday raja ktorg kowt?myGod,jgn kasik aku tulah!*sigh*friends,korg tak yah risau cus mmg aku tak serik lepas accident arituh!wiuwiuwiu....hari nih,aku ngan cik iena melewaqmerantau ke negeri yg tak coti ari nih,a.k.a. kedah D.A.!haha...main purpose,nk pegy wat xray ngan shopping sket2...journey agk lamer cus ktorg naik highway...yahhh!wat pale taw(:*grinn*sepanjang perjalanan aku ngan dak iena nih,waaalaaaweyyh!byk jugak dugaan yg melanda...sabar je larr...even todays trip xlarr lamer sgt...but,byk ragam rkyt malaysia kita yg aku dpt taw ari nihh...slama nih aku igt sumer rakyat kita amat bermoral dan berakhlak mulia!duhhh...seriously,aku ingat rakyat kita nihh,masing2 ader halo dorg senirik!ternyata aku salah...sebelum tuh,so sorry...bukan nak kutuk/hina rakyat sendiri..tapi just nak buka mata kita,ttg peri pentingnya nilai-nilai murni..haha ;p
WARNING!!!sesaper yg rase still underage,plus fikiran still tak matang,sila skip kes no.1...harap maklum^^
Kes no.1 ::
first incident nih,jadik tym ktorg tgh relax2 kt highway tuh...muahaha...iena,ko drive laju x???lajuuuu....highway punyer km/h braper??110,eh???ko bwk 120,nak dijadikan citer,tym keta kancil iena nih tgh besh jekkk pecutt kt lorong paling kanan aka lorong utk memotong tuh,tetiba ader satu keta wira hitam nihh lalu sebelah...(lorh...taa nmpk keta plak tadi!)...klu ktorg bwk 120km/h,dye braper eh???*sigh*knaper larr tade speedtrap kt situh!bhahaha...aku mrh cus dye lggr had laju kewr??!daaa~i don't give a damn larr,oiy!haha...yg xbleyh belahnyer...tym keta tuh potong ktorg dari kiri dgn slumber-nya...aku nmpk dye bukak tingkap!aku kesah ape dgn tingkap dyer???then,out of a sudden ader,tangan kua dari tgkap tuh smbl tunjok penumbok but,jari tengah angkat!aper maksod dye tuh weyhh?rotfl~fer one second,aku igt iena dah drive sampai hollywood dah...ouh,rakyat malaysia!ternyata kita kini maju...moral pown tinggi!seriously,aku tgk muker driver tuh,cm tade prasaan...sgt respect samer dyer!bijak sungguh mengawal perasaan..ternyata dia juga prihatin akan had laju dan kereta yang kami naiki yang berpelekat P...walaupon iena tak nampak,aku sorg sudah ckup bagi merasai penghargaan pak cip tuh..bgsa?aku no bkn melayu!phewww...jgn lega dlu!tgk kes 2 lak^^
Kes no. 2 ::
kes ni lak,tym ktorg SESAT!bhahaha...kedah pown leyh sesat ouh!pnt pusing satu kedah nak carik KMC(kedah medical centre)...tawu,tym traffis light merah,ktorg tnya sorg pak cip nih..maner kmc?"ouh...k*c!jln tros jer...nnty jumpa"tym pakcip nih,explain mmg aku rase len mcm...but,respect dgn org yg bpngalaman pnya paseyy,trosss je aper ktorg jmpa?KFC!!!bhahahaha...pakcip!ktorg tak mrh,okay^^nway,tuh bkn citer dyer!erkk...jgn marah ha...incident nih payah sket nak terang...duhh!cmnih larrr...ktorg yg tgh pening tataw jln tuh,mmg xprasan lansong yg ktorg ader kt sblh yg slh tym nk kua simpang tuh..adeyyy!pastuh,ader larr sorg pakcip sengal nihh,tros jer belok nk msok dari arah depan!*sigh*bkn dye tak nmpk,ktorg block jln!nak jugak2 masok tuh...s**t,sbb ktorg sedar,slh ktorg...reverse aje larr...igtkn nk settle larr...aku mmg nampak pakcip tuh muke bengang giler!haha..tym dye lalu sebelah,dye stop then gune sign language dyer sambil menunjukkan muke burokk bengis dye tuh!mksud dyer."pikir arr"...maluuu?nope.marahhh?nope.then?KESIAN dkt anak bini dye dlm keta tuh...tuh bru facing an amature driver cam matter entah caner lahh dye handle...huhu...tingtong!satu lg sifat rkyat kita nih,panas baran...haishh...aku tym tuh mcm nk keluarkan otak dan bijik mata aku tunjok kt dye...knaper?lu pikir laaa sendiri!lol(nabil,sila jgn marah aku^^)
dua kes pown dah cukop kot???nnty pnjg sgt lak...gpown klu nk list satu-satu mmg xckup ruang...haha!okies2...anyhow,aku post entri nih bukan nk kater aku nih perfect giler larr kn?kdg2,aku bengang gak kat some road users yg mengong nihhh...(whu doesn't kn?)tp,tade larr smpai thap nk insult habes org...bunyikan hon jadi a lil bit rational and bijakkk sikett...kiter sumer tade yg dilahirkan tros pandai drive larrr...sumer start from L to P...and,blom lagik,campor how many times u gotta failed JPJ's!kn!
Sunday, May 17, 2009
ok larr...back to the topic.i think,its not too late for me to wish
so,first ktorg headed town dlu...hari sabtu kan,even kangar akan jam like NY!so,aku decided untok park dkt bwh the store...,which i regreted as it turned up to be my nightmare!!!why?keep on reading,yahh!parking wasn't a problem at,ktorg berpecah larr from there on...nak carik prezzy lar,cake larr...dh set nk jmpa 4.30pm...sbb kn grup aku carik kek kat garden tade..*sigh*so kmi trun kt keta lps pnt trun naek the store yg 'tggi' tuh...tggu pnya iena ngan kak tin xsampai,ktorg decide nk tggu ats jewr cus byk gk org carik parking tym tuh!duhhh!(flashback)dummm!"weyhhh!kne aper weyhh??!"aku ngan wani usha blakang serious tade ape!OMG!"fynn!hang hit tyr honda depan,weyh!"huhhh?!maser tgk dpn bru aku prasan yg gler kne weyyy!raser mcm nk trun keta larikan diri jewh!seroiusly!but,dgr balek wani ckp tyr,aku cool sket...still trying smbl getaq giler tgn pegang stereng utk kluar dr situh...damn it!dah r ader keta tgh tggu nk msok parking tuhhh!pastu,aku cm ter-stop..."weyh,nk caner nih?larik ar!norhh?xper?""haah...jln je larr..."tnpa memikirkan betapa byk witnesses yg ader kt situh,dgn akak dkt ticket counter tgk aku cm aku bunoh org tuh,aku pown larikkkk!kire langgar larik arr!ishh...
ouh!keta dye takk terok cm pic ats eyh!just scrathed jew..JUST,ko ckp!!!tp bila pk balek,damn!honda tuhhh!my car?xterok sgt...calar gak,but not as bad as theirs!uihhh!sgt GUILTY!i feel it in my bone!!!bersalah kat pemilik keta tuh,satu hal,bersalah kat parents satu hal...!klo nk ikot intergriti mmg i should wait...but,tym tuh mmg cemassss to DEATH larrr!takot gler!my first experience ouh!so,tym pegi mah cegu rulah...mmg tade mood lansong.i try so damn hard untok pretend to be happy but just try put yourself in my situation!tension!!!susahhhh nk handle weyh!klu aku tggu,jenuh nk settle dgn owner tuh!plus,nk kne byr g!maner nk carik dwet weyyy!dah ar nk masok uitm nih,hbs dwet gler beli mcm2!....sial tol!life ouh life!nihh,aku dh lggr larik nihh...bertentangan giler dgn prinsip aku!aku taaa penah jadik irresponsible cmnih!vudusss...but,thinking of my parents,i ran family bukan larr kaya!sgt kesian samer fault!aku takot...byk saksi yg nmpak my doing tuhh!FYI,ader cctv lagikkk!korg raser that car owner akan trace me down ke??!dye akn lodge a report kerr???aku tamaw tbe2 ader polis dtg rumah carik akuhhhh!aku tamaw masok jail!!!!
p/s:sorry iena,kak tin,wani,nuura sbb hang out this tym sgt tegang!i cant help myself!so sorry cegu mahzan!!!sempat pegi kejap je...serious tade niat... :'(
Friday, May 15, 2009
tell me the truth!
(1) pra ijazah undang-undang
(2) fast track pra ijazah undang-undang , dan
(3) asasi undang undang.
Yang awak dapat adalah jenis yang ketiga, iaitu asasi undang-undang. Perbezaan yang pertama dan kedua dengan yang ketiga, ialah yang pertama dan kedua itu programnya di bawah UiTM. Sedangkan yang ketiga, programnya bukan di bawah UiTM, sebaliknya bawah kementerian pelajaran (walaupun dijalankan di UiTM).
Yang pertama dan yang kedua, disebabkan memang di bawah UiTM terus, jadi memang pelajar-pelajar yang ikut kursus tu, kalau lulus, memang dijamin untuk sambung undang-undang di UiTM.
Tapi yang ketiga itu (asasi) disebabkan dia bukan bawah UiTM, sebaliknya bawah kementerian, jadi tidak ada jaminan akan diberi sambung dalam kursus undang-undang, sekalipun awak lulus program tu.Kalau mengikut apa yang saya tahu, sangat sedikit pelajar yang daripada kursus asasi undang-undang, berjaya diterima masuk meneruskan pengajian degree undang-undang.
Hal ini sebab pihak UiTM lebih mengutamakan mereka yang daripada pra ijazah dan fast track pra ijazah berbanding yang daripada asasi. Jadi kalau awak masuk asasi, hanya sekiranya awak sangat-sangat cemerlang sahaja (biasanya
3.5 ke atas, kadang-kadang kena lebih tinggi lagi, 3.8) baru dapat sambung ijazah undang-undang. Majoriti budak-budak asasi tak berjaya sambung undang-undang.
Akhirnya mereka terpaksa ke universiti-universiti lain, dan sambung dalam jurusan yang bukan undang-undang, contohnya bisnes studies dan sebagainya, sebab dah tak ada pilihan lain. Dua tiga kerat je yang betul-betul bagus keputusan, yang dapat sambung undang-undang.
Jadi kalau awak memang serius nak sambung dalam bidang perundangan, pilihan ke asasi tu agak kurang cerah sebenarnya. Lainlah kalau awak dapat pra ijazah undang-undang, sebab yang itu memang dah pasti akan boleh sambung ke degree. Tapi terpulanglah jugak, kalau memang yakin boleh score, tak jadi masalah, boleh ambil saja ambil asasi. Kena pastikan betul-betul cemerlanglah. ""
tym bacer nih mmg hancusss jewr aty!mygod...sgt sedeyhhh!!!knaper susah sgt...klu cmnih baek pegy matrik arituh!****!!(sgt sedeyh!crying so hard from d inside T_T )...sgt jealous samer niesah ngan syafiq...korg dpt fast track!ouh....sgt jealous!!!ngeee...lebeyh baek aku jual pisang goreng dekat tepi jalan klu taa bleyh further law lps nihhhh!(tuhan,jgn makbulkan*-*)sedih!sedih!!sedih!!!
klu larr aku tawu,aku takkan letak kptm dkt second choice!duhhh~knaper tak dpt third choice???(under uitm)...why???!
sgt tidak adil!uitm patot clarify everything first,bkn biar aku raser cam nk telan
air liur saliva pown susahhhh!aku nk sue uitm!!!hihi...*kidding jek*nnty xpasal jek blog aku kua brita tb3..harhar... *lamer x gune menda lah nih!*
so,seriously aku tataw nk wat aper...pastuh aku tingat,mr HADI!!!so,aku sent msg kt dye,siap dgn bukti yg kukuh lagik!^^...arituh,tym dye explain cm sng jek...last2,aku dpt taw cmnih lak!mmg sgt confius + frustrated sgt.sgt!pastuh,dye ckp sounds veryyy hard*sigh(yelarh,klu tak,aku takkan refer kt unx balek..adeyy!)tp,sbnrnye sng jew..adeshhh!nahh larrr bukti..(naper aku sukaa tunjok bukti?mmg berdrh law betol!lol)
pastuh,sekali lagi(mmg slalu sgt!)ym **** aku tuh,wat,mmg tak sempat nk tggu dye explain.dye pown out awl dkt fb...aku nk carik contact number cm
desperate eager sgt nk dye explain!ouh!aku taa suka trouble-kn manusia .(aku alien kah???),aku raser,tggu besok larr aku mintak explanation tuh.&& i really2 hope yg d explaination tuh can really bring my spirit up balek...
mr. hadi,so sumer depend on ur explaination...hihi
sbb tak dpt jugak thn aty nih...aku tavel lagik di blog!aku terlepas pndg satu comment nih...
""Camnih, KPTM is not under UiTM tp held kat UiTM gak and skrg nih, (starting from my badge), 30% of the KPTM student, yg dpt highest among all and MUET band 4 or 5 akan trus diabsorb masuk ke BLS (Bachelor in Legal Studies) kat UiTM Shah Alam.
Kalau badge before dis, dorang accept 17 students je.. tp starting from my badge, UiTM dah mule pandang and acknowledge KPTM students gak.
If u confident bole buat, baik ambik Asasi kat UiTM drpd kat Matriks sbb insya-Allah tmpt utk degree tu ada.. ;) tp kena work hard.. seriously asasi undang-undang mmg kena ada minat utk menghafal, minat dlm law yg mendalam ""
comment nih agk positip gak!even 30% tuh sgt siket...however i hef to struggle!work my ass off!!!haha... kalau dye nk absorb 30%,i'll give them 100%!!!so,aku akan jadik among 30% tuh!ouh...dugaan,jgn larr byk sgt,please?....minat untok menghafal?CHECKED!minat dlm law yg mendalam?CHECKED!
huhhhh!uitm telah look down on me biler dyer x kasik aku fast-track!so,hey!!!watch out for my ACKNOWLEDGEMENT!i aint talking shit over here...aku nak buat the best nanti kt uitm!aku nak score at least 3.5! bkn sajer boleyh wat LLB,tp aku nak wat sampai bleyh pegi University of Reading kt UK!!!
*muka aku dkt uitm nnty+smgt yg membara*
so,kwn2,doakn aku berjaye dkt asasi nnty(:..&& dpt jadik lawyer terhormat^^...tengss,syggg korg!
p/s:entri kali nih,byk info yg di-kidnap from blog dearest
Thursday, May 14, 2009
as life goes on...

May god bless me
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
ouh!im sooooo into this song at now.yahh!one of the OBVIOUS reason is,Aril will perform this song at the finale...frankly,i never heard of this song before,so right after the af diary,i rush over laptop and go for youtube...gosh!this song is sooo damn sweet!sing it to me,and i'll melt to the ground!haha..
then i was like playing it over and over and over and(u got it,don't u?) over first i was just humming it while picturing me with my mr right(which would be a dream come true,if i EVER meet him!lol).then i was like,ouh!how i miss being in love!its been a while since i've been holding on the 'single' tittle.em...lets see,how long exactly?27 november 08...half year had passed!duhh...feels like yesterday...i just miss having someone to text all day long....night and days...making wake up calls and get scolded!* feel protected,to feels safe enough to walk around with someone u love by your side...I MISS having a boyfriend!missing the feeling when one is in a relationship...i long to call someone sayang(with feeling-larr,of course!haha)...i miss to have a call from someone late at night!chit-chating about nuting and feel likes im having the best conversation hold someone's hand,to hugggg(this is for after-marriage session ONLY!)^^*deep breath*huhhhh...i miss those so BAD!
so bad that i get jealous of other bad that i have to remind myself every second of what i stand bad that i dont know until when will i bad that i put myself in every love bad that i have to knock my own head or either slap my own face to bring me back into reality...(is it that bad?haha..try it!)so bad that i feel SO BAD!!!
however,its doesn't matter how much i miss those things...its doesn't matter even i sometimes have to feel lonely...i don't mind if im differ from others...its okay to keep on being least until i make it to the top!i want to have a partner soooo bad!i want someone to call me sygg,to LOVE me for text me all day long...but,i had VOW to more mistakes more boys and their stupid just tooo fragile to trust on anyone...any boys on earth!whats happen in the past is enough.and enough is enough!afterall,i dont want to ruin my future as i've ruined my SPM...i gotta stay focus...!stay on track!future awaits!so for now,this heart is EMPTY...
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
lol...dont mad at me.mad at your kind..they made me do this..hopeless!untrustable!damn u~maybe this post will offend some,but truely,i am really sorry...EAT my words back.
"SOME boys are damn stupid"
maybe i'll get a gazillions of hit back.or maybe none.but,whu cares?kan?i'll delete this when im a bit cool..until then,hey SOME!faced it!*grinn
Monday, May 11, 2009
Maafkan sahabatmu ini...
nih pasal puppet...kalau ikot hati,mmg malas dah nk ader kaitan dgn dyer nih.bagi aku,dyer nihh hanyalah seorang kawan yang datang tym dyer susah jewr...tym dyer sng?namer aku pown dyer boleyh luper...haha.dulu tym dyer masok skolah dyer agak rapat gak ngan kwn ngan dyer,sbb bg aku dyer matang..yelarr,susahkn nk jmpa boys yg matured?but,maken lamer.dyer maken femes larr katakan...maybe sbb tuh,dye maken bongkak*sorry..konon high class gler...blah ko...kslahan first dye kt aku,dye betray aku..dlu aku igt bleyh luper psl nmpknyer x..lps i lay all my trust on him dan dye tikam aku dr blakang ats sbb yg x masok akal...aku rase mcm dipermainkan!second,dye insult aku yg aku cter dlm post before nih...lps uh,dgn slamber ckp dye melawak...huhhh...sorry la klu ko ym aku,aku x reply n comment kt frenster pon aku cm mlssss nk reply...sbb takde maknenyerr!mmg ko ckp ko nyesal,mintak maap n so ever...but,lps tuh ko bwat balek...sbb aper?sbb ko aggp aku sampah..ko anggap aku org yg takder prasaan lansong!i know,im naive,but not dumb enaff to be fooled by u!ko tawu lagu cuba?faizal tahir nyanyi?aku dedicate lagu tuh khas untok ko!trimas cus slama nih ko 'pernah' jadik kwn aku...dan,cukoplah dgn pernah..lps nih,klu jmpa aku kt maner2...kt uitm pon,jgn larr tego aku...cus aku mmg tamaw igt ko lagiii!so long~
"siapa sebenarnya aku padamu..mungkin sama dengan teman lain yang bisa kau buat begitu..dan bila tiada lagi teman bermain,kau pulang mendapatkan aku...itulah aku padamu"
inih pasal legolas...aku sayang kau sangat!!!!!!!!!dh mcm2 aku wat,dr skolah dlu lg...anta surat,words,kasik choco...then lps kau cm baek ngan aku,aku igt aku ader pluang larr..maybe aku silap...cepat sgt aku wat tafsiran...susah aku nak paham boy cm kau...sejap kau ok,sejap takk...kdg2,kau ckp cm ske aku...kdg2 ko buat aku rase cm pengacau...sometimes aku rase cm nk give up dgn,hati aku tanakkk.....aku kan sayang,aku rase ko sayang org,aku raser tiba maser aku walk away...aku bkn give up,tp aku tanak kau raser serba salah.actually,kalau ko tak suker aku,ckp jer...aku bleyh handle rejection cus sometimes,silence itu lebeyh perit drpd rejection...mungkin kau bukan jodoh aku...mungkin ya,mungkin tak..takpe..from now on,i vow to myself...i wont text/call u ever again.and with all my courage i'll try to erase u from my heart,n minds...sorry,klu slama nihh aku bykkk ganggu,for my last words,legolas...lepas masuk utp nnt,study ur besh!that is ur dream,kn?tak dpt jadik pilot pown taa pe...chem eng tuh,da great enaff!^^...ouh,aku igt lg mlm tuh,kau tnya aku whether kau ptt masok utp or mara...aku ckp,klu ko nk fly,pegi larr mara.but klu ko syg nk tggl aku pegi utp larr!haha..pastu kau ckp,kau nak pegi utp..aku hepyyy sgt tym tuh!even tym kau ckp kau suker determination aku,kau takkan luper aku cus aku unic...mmg aku sukaaaa!but,knpa kau maken ignore aku?knapa kau jrg text-ing aku lagi?aku tataw where did i went wrong...maybe aku yg prasan lebeyh...i guess sampai sini kisah kita(:

Sunday, May 10, 2009
So long,matriculation peeps!
kawan-kawan,korg sendiri aware of the fact that matrix nihh mostly peeps ckp amt susahhhhh nk skor cus in one year korg have to work your ass off!plus,korg kne compete dgn budak2 asasi,stpm lagi larr utk dpt tmpt dan kos yg korg nk lps not weighing u down,but guys i just wanted u to know that ur a part of us yg dare to take the risks!so,go prove they were totally wrong!use this one whole year untok stadi betol2!redeem whatever mistakes u have done dkt highschool dulu...n,vow to yourself to never let it happen ever again!put your study before anything else!!!its priority,guys...jgn lost track!u only got one year,so use it wisely!*cewaaahhh aku nihh! matter what,go for your DREAM!
so guys,i guess this is me,it will be hard for us to still keep in touch afterward.somehow,make sure that how far u go,or for how long it takes....never let this friendship fade away!!!selamat menjalani hidop baru(:
I'm left to forget...

Did u forget

AFMASUK was a success!
Saturday, May 9, 2009
no weekend!
ouh!hell yeah~bayangkan weekend afterward!duhh...must have feel like HELL.haha.act.,these days imma veryyy busy person!why?seriously,i never thot that it is soooo damn hard to get everythings done!yup,i tottaly meant the preparation for the uitm admition...ouh,taty!i envy u!how could u get everything in place in just days???*puzzled*wahhh...i still got lots more to do.akaun blom bukak lagi....borng asasi blom fill lagi!borg uitm,pon!urghhh...can i hire someone to this???ouh,please... somebody???in couple of weeks i'll be off to shah alam which might be a lil bit new to me.nahhh,TOTALLY freaking nuw!and i just dont really know what to expect.obviously,aku sangat sayang maw tinggal loghat perlissss!lolz...yah,bahse perlis can sometimes sound funny and even kampong,but..whu cares???
but,being placed in shah alam(i have to admit it) make me will peeps react upon my accent?seriously,by days its getting better(which i believe that sooner or later,i might come out with a perlis's accent translation copy!) ex-schoolmate(shame to admit it) whom i believe is so fucking fluent with the 'e-e' accent sure is cant wait to laugh at my face!urghhh..i dont blame him.i used to do so aswell.haha.its just he is too plastic!
i think, i might need some meditation to do...yahhh,relaxing...ouh!how i miss being on the beach!!!lying down looking up the night skies counting the stars...which i LOVE muchos!*no metaphore included,okey?aku suka bintang,bkn 'bintang'...soon,im off to a vacayy once again!and,again its gonna be langkawi!whats even better,im off w/o parents to watch my back!!!thinking of attending some wild parties and bikini!*sigh...i might be kill caught doing that!,i wont!so,stop your whatever imagination..its never gonna happen..but,i do think of some flirting??what?its LEGAL!haha...just when i flirt,doesnt means im interested!yahhh!mmg i did mumbling quite a lot now...but,im so bored to even have a topic..ok,then..later..*sleepyhead
Friday, May 8, 2009
L.E.L.A.K.I. bukan dirimu saja (:

tak besar seperti dulu
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
sometimes aku lupa...
fizikal,pentingkah sangat???!haha...yerp,sgt,sgt...sometimes aku lupa...dont tell me that inner beauty is wut counts...its just a saying...jgn ckp,hati yg penting,muka x...fool everyone,but u cant fool me.'naff saying...aku taw aku taa santekkk!im aware of the fact that imma beast...cute?jaoh sekali...haha~sometimes aku lupa...where i stand,hows my phys...lolz..its funny when i thot heart is what mistake for being grateful for every littlest things i've own...i've been wrong for EVERYTHING!aku lupa...forgot of who i really am...thanx my 'dearest' friends aka my so called bff for bringing me back into the real world...for waking me up from my dream...[puppet], i owe u!
i noe,im FAR from perfect...unfortunately,God gave me a heart with,its never was my intention for being so emo bout this.sorry.blame it on me.tak,i wont blame God on this...i trust in things called FATE & i have to apologise for these?
- having ZIP all over my face???
- being a FAT fellow...
- not having such a FAIR skin!
- my STYLE is oldfashion?
im bored with judgements..i cant even live with that!so,why would i give a damn?sometimes aku lupa...this life is full with obstacles...and in the end of the day,beauty will fade...sometimes aku isn't just about it.its not about whus cute,and whus not...its a journey...dan yg paling penting,sometimes aku lupa...dunia ini hanya sementara....jd,taa kesah larrh,whatever people will talk about me,judge wont be a better place if im pretty...but,if i can do something to open up those eyes who keeps insulting me...if i didnt get them to praise me,at least im capable of shutting their mouth up...jd,jangan pernah biarkan aku lupa(:
p/s:sorry aku bengis dan menakotkan!
shah alam awaits!
list peeps yg dpt uitm shah alam,samer ngan aku!
- cik taty (asasi kejuruteraan kimia,kan?)
- niesah (nih,samer jew kte,kn?kn?satu kuliah r t c:)
- zhaff (dye nih,srjana amenda ntah?architecture kot?mmg aku tamaw jmpa kau,zhaff!haha)
- salihbtalib (yg nih,siapakah?kos samer)
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
its a yeyyy!
pakcipp posmen tuh mara cz dorg taa tuless name real,dorg tuless namer glamerr i!hakhak~
sorry ouh pak cipp posmen!tenggss sbb sggp anta shawl nihh! suda tggu!(;okok..meh2 cte sal interbiu was great!xbley larr nk ckp,it was a success cus tataw result lg..haha!taty tunjok outfit,aku maw nunjok jugak ka???erkk..nannty larr,klu picca tu ader c:
Monday, May 4, 2009
CUAK!is this normal???
FYI,besok kne pegi interbiu mktab lak...adesshh!masalah lagi!suda blank dan BEKU daa otak nihh!ish....dah ar wat preparation last minutes..nihh baru nk hegeh2 wat essay sumer nihh!dan yg plg membengangkn,soklan 22 dh r cm nk samer jerr....arghhh!tension!tension!ni larr yg jadik klo aku terpaksa wat menda yg aku mmg giler2 tamaw!in case u guys wondering,klu aku taa suka & mmg sure maw pegi uitm,why on earth i would ever give a damn dkt interview nihh?!!huhhh...thats my weakness.if i ever wanna do something,its have to turn out to be SOMETHING too!huhh..byk gler nk kne,klu aku taa dpt t,aku akn accept larr...sbb mmg x all out pon!there u go...a confession made!lol~
things havent done YET...
- another 3 essay!haha~
- ic,srt branak belom photostat lagiii!adeyshhh...
- x susun lagi sijil2 sumer!!!
- pergghhh!mmg x amek taw lansong arr pasei isu semasa nihhh!
- xjumpa lagi perkara2 dlm PIPP
- baju belom iron!tudung jugak^^
- otak maseh FREEZE!
- mimik mukaaaa berminat..rotfl
to kwn2 yg kne bhgnyer...amatlarrr sorry!!!aku xsengajer ouh..seriously amt saket jiwaaa suda mlm nih!im pushing myself over something that i refuse to do...&,this is wut u get...xpe larr...apepown,wish me luck tommorrow.x dimalukan suda ckup bagosss!&&dpt balek dgn slamat dan tng pown okey...ok larr,duty call!
p/s:susahkan nak please parent kiter..
Sunday, May 3, 2009
'X' thiggy T_T
1. Adakah sukar untuk anda mengucapkan good bye pd kekasih anda?
::: amatttt!
2. Berapa lama anda mengambil keputusan untuk say good bye?
::: in a BLINK of eye!on the spot ouh!*sgttt pissed off!
3. Perlukah anda mempunyai banyak reason untuk berpisah?
::: if u want it so badddd^^no reason needed!
4. Apa reaksi si dia apabila anda minta berpisah?
::: acting~thats wut guys do,ryte?babyyy,tell u wut?u got the TALENT!
5. Setelah berpisah, adakah anda buleh menerimanya dalam hidup anda lagi?
::: i won't lick up my spit over again!euuuw!nasty!lol..ludah is ludah(:
6. Pernahkah anda teringat kenangan bersama dia setelah anda berpisah?
::: i did and i REGRET...y?buang mase ouhh!
7. Jika anda rindu kan bekas kekasih, apa anda wat?
::: rindu is a word for people that i love..not [ex]...n_n
8. camne anda selepas berpisah?
::: phase 1st= god...y me???
::: phase 2nd= i can do this...aja!aja!
::: phase 3rd= OMG!i did act. fall fer that guy?rotfl
9. Bekas kekasih anda sudah ada kapel baru?
::: kapel?(em,kalau 1+1= kapel klo 1+3=fourple?? )FOURPLE!face it!
10. Apa ucapan anda kepada bekas kekasih anda?
::: Assalammualaikum sumer...first sayer nak ucap time taceh dkt peminat sumer...aww!ok..ok!wahai bekas kekasihku!*sigh*ape-ape jelar..malas nk ader kaitan dh ngan ko!*grinnn
Siapakah yang berani menjawab soalan tag ini?
p/s:lately aku mmg kijammm kan?memangggg! C: