huhhh...*rotfl*is life that funny?way....!when i say its funny,its doesn't mean that what i wanted to say its FUNNY.think critically sarcasticly..ha,u got it already?good...if not,get lost,and don't even proceed to the next reading...why funnay?huhhh...my life is,not yours.recently,my life is kind a gloomy a little bit.its not that im having a funeral or what-so-ever.its about this kptm thing.yeah,not all of u know.huhhh...ok,leave it.why life funny?hmmm...recently,i did contact some of my friends from high school...sobs...im missing them so damn muchos!!!i love u guyssssss....didn't i suppose to be happy?why am i mourning and sobbering?lol...by doing that,it had bring me to memories which i wish with all my heart to forget.yeah,memories ought to be fine and meaningful.behind every little things that happened must leave out some valuable lessons with it.but,surely not this one.yea,its not.
in fact,everytime it came back right into my head,i can feel some kind of smash right onto my heart.shessss...stupid!the story goes like this...before that,i recalled,once mr choy(my lecturer) said"i can't figure it out.why people wanted to share their own personal life with public?"haha...to answer that,as for me,writing has been my way of expressing my feeling.the thing is,none here do actually know me well.its not that i wrote is genuinely true.its not that those characters i got inside will ever notice.(as if i care?lol)back to the issue,long ago...when i was still in high school.i involve in drama.at first,i joined it just for cocuricular marks,u know...i've never really been active in ANYTHING in 3years.so,when they called for casting,i showed up.at first,i just got the role as a nurse,as i audition for the role,only.by some stupid reasons,i finally end up holding a role of imaginary doctor who is a phyco!huhhh..its fun,im enjoying it ;p.however,thats is not my point.its those people who involve in that stupid drama.sorry,i like it but i rather call it stupid than splendid.duhh!its up to me-larrhh.

so,whats the big-D?haha...that time,munzir,harith,zharif,farid also involved in the drama.its funny when im sitting here,remembering about my drama's activity,about those boys and suddenly realize that my 2years life was involving them more than 50%.thats quite a number.zhaff,happened to be one of my best buddy.he's the first one who i let to know that i admire [legolas] sooooo much.he's the one who got to know about me and farid.ouh,btw,me and farid was once a lover.was is going to remain as WAS.he is also the one who betrayed me by not telling me bout farid having affairs.he's the one who keeps hurting me in and out.but yet,he's the one whom i love so much(sincerely as a friend,please.)somehow,he's leaving me now.sobs.before,i thought he's going to accompany me here,in uitm.but,he's not going to be here.he's flying to australia in a years time,maybe?despite being sad of being left behind,i do feel HAPPY for you,buddy.

munzir and harith?haha.they were the one whos revealling farid's dirty little secret :) thanks,you guys!i heart you.obviously,among all, you guys are the only one who actually had some symphaty on me.others?after i broke up,just come to me and say,"sorry,im not telling u cus i dont want u to get hurt"haha....told ya,life is FUNNY.its okay.its their right to think that by not telling me that i'll be better.genius!move..indeed,i did actually thought one of them was having a feeling towards me ;p *lol*both,maybe?haha.i mean,who doesn't fall in love with me?*sigh*nvm.leave it guys,im just making jokes.unrelevancely.farid.huhhhh.do i really have to write about this man?think,most of u had heard enough.ok,he's my ex.i had once though he's the one for me until i found out that almost 10 other girls who actually think the same.u know,what i mean?haha.true,i still hold the grudge up until now.yea,don't remind me of what's good and not.don't tell me to let go and moved on.im the one who's suffer.n trust me,i know how EASY it is to tell others to do good thing if that someone is not YOU!

Allah doesn't promise life will be easy,i know.so,what made me write about this?its not that i miss those guys or what larh..haha.its just up till now,i've rejected 3 man.what?this is not a brag.its a misery!!!why men keeps doing this to me?bodoh larhhh.i though i've told the world that i will never believe in love ever again.guess,i speak too slow kowt?hahh?stop all these nonsense.im trying to make a life over here.my future's await!stop telling me that not all boys are the same.i know!but,it seems like i've been destinied to meet the bad kind.for all my life and maybe lasted for the rest of it.i wont risk a thing.yea,gamble is my thing but enough is enough.even im struggling over here.despite denying the fact that i fall for cute guys.for smart-looking guys.some machos..im holding my heart back from those feeling real hard!so,help me a lil bit here.dont le me keep on saying that "LIFE IS FUNNY" ever again.thanks.