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Friday, April 30, 2010
Who wrote this?!
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Aku tak perlu kawan macam kau.
Ape kes Fynn?
jangan bisinglah!this time biar aku tulis anything that i feel to.
dah lama rasanya since blog ni jadi open diary aku.
asyik blog skema dan plastic. aku rasa macam tahi.
sebab banyak blogger bising kalau tulis blog bercirikan open diary ni.
kutuk lah,ape lah..konon aku bayar diorang masa first buat blog dulu.
then, kes panjang.pffttt..
what the heck?
blog orang pon korang nak sibuk?
siap bagi advice macam pro,sinis sial~
banyak sangat kot buku yang korang pernah tulis pasal blogging ni?
biarlah.tak matang macam mana sekali pun,
even korang baca posts aku dan tak komen lansung pun,
terima kaseh setinggi KLCC sebab tolong up kan traffic!
sebenarnye,aku nak blog pasal lain tadi,korang ah nih!
*bongek Fynn!marah-marah tak tentu pasal*
sorry guys.
geram taw,geram!grrr
kenapa aku marah ?
pasal KAWAN lah!
frankly, aku rasa macam terhegeh-hegeh nak jaga hati perut kaw semua. gilaaa! kononnya sebab it has been more than 5 years i should tolerate whatever shit u guys put on me???
to some of you,thanks a lot sebab always be there for me and for not making me feel like as if i was the only one who's trying to make it work.
bukan buat aku rasa gila low standard from u guys,
cari aku bila perlukan,
dah tu bising pasal life aku!
belagak and acting snob out of nothing.
bodoh la sial.
lagi sorang minah ni,let's call her Pandi.
i don't know what's with her.
but out of a sudden, she start deleting me from everywhere.
senang cakap,from her life lah.
and, why on earth i once thought i've done wrong and i should seek for apology?
guess what?
thanks for the silent treatment.
and hell until now i don't know if i ever done anything wrong.
has i ever?
to that Pandi:well,we all know why Pandi,kan?seriously? why do u think u are that important?i don't know what is my mistake and indeed i believe i never did any to u.well, u see...we are not that close. we talk very rare.and suddenly u act as if u got something against me like a total retard.u must be proud,huh?ouh, and if and only if lah this had gotta do with this girl from high school,who stole your boyfie....WTF is that got to do with me?STOP being ridiculous and childish.
sekali sekala lepas tension macam ni,best jugak.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Hati kita siapa tahu...
Salam semua ;]
cehhh,skema sudahhh.
Hari ni, cikgu nak cakap soal hati.
Seriously, above all, soal hati is the toughest lesson i've ever learn. bukan semua orang sama, so hati pun lain-lain lah. Tak mungkin kita boleh faham hati dan perasaan orang lain.Kita sedar tentang hakikat ini tapi still when others doing things that we would never do, done things differently, kita mula condemn diorang. betul tak?
Korang ingat lagi tak kisah budak sekolah yang cuba nak bunuh diri tu? The one who wanted to jump out of his school's building?nah,kalau tak baca berita :
Lepas berita ni tersebar, macam-macam komen public. Memalukan sekolah lah...memalukan parents, bodoh lah...kan? Tapi, frankly, how many of us would really think about his suffer? The pain that he has to endure bila kawan-kawan mengejek and all? Orang yang tak pernah rasa, or should i say those yang pernah buat surething tak akan faham. Selfish.
Tapi,kalau lah the same thing happen to us? Karma,dunia ni bulat,guys :)
sekarang mungkin kita kat atas, but just like wheels, they spin,mungkin nanti kita kat bawah pulak.
Maybe one day, kita akan stress sebab kerja, sebab boyfriend/girlfriend? atau family. Masa tu, rasa macam there's nothing else u can do,rasa macam dunia ni tak adil...
Bila masa tu tiba, boleh ke kita berfikiran tipikal macam tadi?
Well, kalau dalam istilah psychology, self-serving bias kan?ke yang the other?
Salah di sisi agama?Totally. but my point is, people tak patut pandang negative whatever others do. there might be in some way, nahhh...there might be some reasoning. Instead of, menyalahkan, mencemuh dan membenci, why not memahami, membantu dan menyelami?
tak salah pun kan?
hati kita, siapa tahu?
Monday, April 12, 2010
Pernah dengar kisah Bloody Mary?
Never read this if u can't get a hold of yourself while looking in a mirror.
Jangan baca sekiranya anda gagal menahan diri ketika melihat cermin.
Okay,i'm serious taw!come to think of it, my first time dengar pasal Bloody Mary (BM) is when i was in high school. Of course,in a very famous game ; Truth or Dare.Pernah main tak? try it. FUN!!!
haha.okay,back to BM. Kawan aku,let's name here Lily? She chose DARE,so my other friend, told her to go the bathroom, tutup lampu,make it dark lah kan.then,bring a lighted candle and while looking into the mirror say;
three times.
i was in awe,terkejut and pelik.mostly sangat aneh lah,what's the point of doing that kan? tak fun lah dare tu. tapi Lily memang dah pucat habis,terus tak nak main.pfffttt...kenapa? well, then that night aku dapat lecture free pasal Bloody Mary.LOL
well,ni sort of mitos,kisah dongeng or legend from the west la.tak sure whether Malaysia owns our own BM or tak.HAHA.okay, orang cakap, kalau u did the very same thing like my other friend told Lily to do tu, mungkin,i said MUNGKIN, a girl named Mary akan muncul from the mirror and kill
yes,YOU!in a very terrifying ways.tapi,bagi anyone yang pernah tengok Supernatural, Bloody Mary bunuh orang by korek eyeballs.uhhhuuu...
and i was like,
"ou,that's why.tido jom,end the game lah."
tapi,sebenarnya,there's conformity in this Bloody thing,banyak version and banyak cara.
it was once said kalau ladies nak tengok muka bakal suami, nak tengok future or marriage, we have to walk backward of stairs,pegang candle,into a dark chamber.other hand pegang hand mirror.then,we might be able to see muka future husband!like a glimpse cam tu je...but,if kita nampak tengkorak,a skull,meaning
kita akan mati before kahwin.
and, ada various way nak seru Bloody Mary tu,
- Like i told u,lah~
- say "Blueberry Baby (3x),i have killed your baby"
- Candyman (3x)
- Do it while flushing the toilet 3x
why blueberry baby?sebab anak BM,named BLUE.
Candyman?nickname for her husband.
okay,sejauh mana kebenaran Bloody Mary ni,no one could tell.
Berani ke?Cubalah.but never blame me if anything happen ;]
p.s. BloodyMary is also a name for a drink ^^
.i wud prefer tat,what say u?
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Award untuk si cantek!
- Thanks & Link The Person That Gave U Da Award..
Si Gojess N ;]
- Pass Da Award Onto 15 Bloggers You've Recently Discovered & Think Are Fantastic..
- iZAN the dUNKIN-ster
- cLAIRE-rance
- FaTIN?
- MR BEn
- Contact Said Blogs & Let Them Know They've Won Da Award.. [sUPERdONE]
- State 7 Things About Yourself...
- Materialistc!
- In love dengan Tabi
- Starstruck dengan Jang oppa <3
- Emo~Emo~Emo
- Fall in & out of love EASILY
- Addicted to BigBang
- Berhasrat untuk bake cupcakes but till now,hasilnya totally NONE.pfffttt~
Awak tinggal saya lama sangat ;(
saya sayang awak sangat-sangat.
betul,tak tipu...
dah nak setahun kita bersama,harungi suka duka.
you are my entertainment,
you are my laughter,
you mean everything to me!
tapi,awak tinggal saya lama sangat.
dah lama awak tak nyanyi untuk saya macam dulu.
tak lama awak tak buat saya ketawa macam dulu,
dalam kerinduan saya pada awak,
saya bertemu dengan si dia...
ternyata dia dan awak banyak persamaan!
tapi,Tabi oppa, i think i'm falling for Jang Geun Seok oppa!
i will still love u on # 1!
but here come my new love^^
my brightest star :)
Saranghae yo,oppa!
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Finding Fynn!
salam,peeps ;]
mana kau menghilang Fynn?!
uhhh...susah nak jawab soalan ni. i've been staring at this white empty box for days but yet still tak dapat idea untuk tulis apa-apa. mungkin sebab lama sangat dah tak online dan this blog dah penuh dengan webs. so,for these days ahead,readers yang disayangi, please bare with me.
so,let's start!
ok,up until now, my foundation program (asasi) dah 2 minggu habis. ThankGod, akhirnya berjaya jugak aku tamatkan 2 semester di UiTM Shah Alam. Well,kenangan pahit manis semua ada, rindu classmates! roommates! Fynn SAYANG korang lah! haha! so, last day of examination, tak ingat date but that day me,shaa and izan planned nak enjoy kat TS(time square). But, Izan tak dapat ikut...Fine-lah,dua orang pon jadi je...
nasib baik kot? or ada guradian angel ke kan, we won this itik-catching-game!haha! and we win this!
yes,nama dia LUCKY!
banyak rahsia di sebalik nama budak ni,but won't tell u!*winks
agak memalukan bila kena heret Lucky 1 KL, dalam train and all,but looking from the bright sight,
we're FAMOUS!lalala~
so,the next day terus balik rumah. dari shah alam sampai Perlis,bapak lah jauh...
actually, kena balik a bit early sebab my lil sis nak masuk MRSM.konon nak buat kenduri lah apa... malangnya, sebab i was home lambat sikit,then i missed the event lah.haha!*glad*
then,Monday tu, the whole family, just without my bro pergi hantar budak tu kat MRSM Beseri. ceh,dekat saja,ok!Now that she's not home, rumah sangat sunyi sebab adik aku the youngest takde geng untuk bising-bising! yayy!
weekend tu pulak, my family and i,semua kena balik kampung. sebab nak attend my cousin punya wedding. well, rumah dia kat Tampin...teehee...i thought it was for a day or two je but i never expect a 3 days and 3 night wedding!!!gosh...frankly speaking, i never like attending kenduri and such. sebab aku tak suka sangat tempat yang crowded...haila fynn...but,sokay, tengok pics sudah~
theme :jawa kot?
dress yang ke : can't really tell.pffttt
nice colours. bad expression on me :(
told ya,i hate crowds.
aku baru bangun tidur,hush...jangan komen!
Congrates,kak Shikin!
well,great and happy story ends here.definitely.
lepas tu,bila balik perlis something bad happened. real bad.
i've suspected this. dah lam i had this sick feeling against my mum about knowing something she shouldn't.
can u imagine, she keeps on bothering me with question like
"are u still friend with Legolas(bukan nama sebenar)"
"Legolas is still keeping in touch with u ke?"
i had enough!geram betul!at last, she admit yang she did read my bloody diary!
i hate her for that. yes, i know the fact yang she is my mom but that does not permit her to interfere with my personal stuff, especially my diary!and sebab insiden tu,i took a week untuk recover.,sekian,these are why Fynn menhilang selama 2 minggu.,sekian,these are why Fynn menhilang selama 2 minggu.
p.s. nantikan my next entri,nak kenakan golongan playboy pulak!
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