
Saturday, May 29, 2010

Woohoo...Imam Muda!opsss!

Salam peeps ;)


HAHA...okay,okay,fine! Sekarang mengaku girls mana yang tak excited tengok show ni???
Dah memang lumrah since high school lagi, budak perempuan semua akan cair bila ada boys yang agak alim kan? betul tak? betul tak? Ahaa...i know lah! Mesti tadi time pukul 9 sampai 10 korang tak kelip-kelip mata depan TV,kan!haha...Ada tu,masing-masing mata terbeliak melilau cari mangsa!

Nah,aku kasi chance korang buat pilihan jap :

Teringat pulak time Ramdhan kat sekolah dulu...Terawih, siapa tak tahu? Awal bulan bapak la melambak manusia pergi, makin lama,makin ciput lah yang tinggal. And, bila dah nak Raya tu, baru nak ramai balik. Tapi, girls sekolah aku lain sikit... Bukan semua lah, Fynn amacam?


Sebab apa taw? Kaum wanita sekolah aku ni sangat lah RAJIN pergi sembahyang terawih. Lepas bukak puasa terus pecut pergi masjid,babe! Maghrib sana lagi tuh! Moreh jangan dilupa...HAHA

Korang rasa kenapa?Ha?Fikir...
Sebab...memang dah macam tradisi kat masjid tu, every terawih kan, some students from this sekolah agama (MARDI,kot?) akan datang and jadi imam! HAHA...habis lah,rahsia dah terbongkar ~
Masalahnya, bukan tak nak buat ibadah dengan ikhlas...
Tapi, sumpa imam-imam muda tu kacak segala,bhaiii!

(ni bukan promo but ni je yang aku jumpa so far!HAHA...boleh tahan ;D)

Okay,berbalik kepada realiti TV Imam Muda ni, 
Sesungguhnya, objektif show ni sangatlah murni dan terbaekkk...
So,harap-harap janganlah Imam Muda bertukar jadi Calon Suami Muda pulak,ye...
Iman jangan terpesong bhai...

And,of course tak salah kalau you girls nak usha-usha mana satu boleh buat laki or dah set standard "Laki aku nanti aku nak sebijik macam geng Imam Muda!" ,
tapi, kalau difikirkan, sesuaikah or layak kah kita ni dengan diorang semua?
Adjust sana sini dulu kasi sama level, then silakan berdoa banyak kat tuhan...

Al maklumlah;

Wanita yang baik adalah untuk lelaki yang baik and vice versa :)

perghhh...Fynn berkhutbah kah???

Friday, May 28, 2010


A bf gave a challenge to his gf to live a day without him. No communications at all and said if she passed it, he'll love her forever. The gf agreed. She did not text or call him the whole day. Without knowing that her bf has only 24 hours to live because he's suffering from cancer. She excitedly went to her bf's house the next day. Tears fall as she saw her bf lying on the coffin with a note on the side : 

"you did it baby, can you do it everyday? I love you <3"

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Saya nak sound orang di penghujung entri ini!

Ya,memang aku tersangat lah rasa nak menyinga dan bagai sekarang ni.But,tunggu dulu, kita tulis entri tak berfaedah dulu kejap.

Allright, sedar tak sedar, AF8 sudah pun melabuhkan tirainya..


Like seriously, masih adakah manusia yang jadi peminat setia show ni sampai sekarang? 
Nampak gayanya,adalah...sebab kalau tak, takkan aired,kan?
Anyway, Congrates lah kepada Shahir dan lain-lain yeh ;]
Kalaulah ada lagi AF lepas ni,sumpa aku tak tahu nak cakap apa~

Now that Adamaya dah habis, penggantinya adalah:

Benci Bilang Cinta!

Sape tengok angkat tangan cepat!yeehaaa
best bukan?Marshanda and Baim sangat cute!
Walaupun storyline agak sama dengan Princess Hour, but who cares?haha
Bila tengok cerita ni, teringat pulak masa bercinta dolu-dolu.
Huh?Fynn pernah bercinta kah?

Silalah tengok drama ni sementara tunggu Nenek Kebaya taw!
Nenek kebaya ni dulu agak best dan boleh laa layan....Now dah makin melarat dan makin mengarut dah! Alah, cerita/filem/drama Melayu memang macam tu kot~ Bukan semualah,but mostly! First-first boleh tahan lagi,makin lama, comment di situ (:

Dah tiba masa untuk aku marah kah?
Aku gila nak buat entri pasal playboy ni!
Asyik tak dapat idea je.Memang pakai puaka ke apa diaorang ni?
Tunggu kau,buaya daratan sekalian!Muahaha

Oyeah!masa untuk aku menjadi marah!
Grrr!First, aku gila geram sebab ramai gila mahlok tuhan sangatlah discourage aku from attending law school di UIA! Mostly menakut-nakutkan aku dengan bahasa Arab! What the hell? Adoy...

Fynn, kaw tahu kan, kat UIA ko kena lulus Arab?

Ko ada basic bahasa Arab kah Fynn?

Those question obviously weighing me down,down,down,down!
Aku sumpah tak marah korang dow...tapi, aku just kesal lah. kenapa mesti anda semua pandang negative sangat the whole arabic thingy? kenapa mesti rasa tak boleh buatlah, tak boleh tu lah,tak boleh ni lah. Takut sangat, kenapa?Bukan aku nak over confident,taw...Tapi like i said, dulu pernah sorang Pak Cik ni cakap kat aku, "Jangan takut benda yang belum datang!" Semua kejadah tu kita dengar orang cakap je,bukan? Mana tahu, masuk UIA nanti lain jadinya?

Anyway, yang membuatkan aku benar-benar hangin ni ialah penghinaan terhadap Islam yang makin melampau lately. Tadi masa online,aku ada nampak statement ni ;

When u attack Black people,they call it racism. When u attack Jewish people, they call it anti-semitism.When u attack women, they call it sexism. When u attack homosexuality,they call it intolerance. When u attack a Country,they call it treason.When u attack a religious sect, they call it hate..But when they attack the Prophet Mohammed, they call it freedom of speech!! (make it your status if you care)

betul tak?maybe korang tak perasan,tapi ini lah kenyataan.
bongek betul mahlok tak mengenang budi!
Orang tak kacau dia,sibuk cari pasal!
Banyak lah kau!
Just wait and see...

Sekian,thank you teramat sebab sudi mengambil berat :)

Friday, May 21, 2010

This is worse than heartbroken.

Korang pernah putus cinta?
sakit hati sampai rasa macam nak bunuh orang?
jealous, sakit jantung dan rasa nak gila?
Well,tahniahlah! sebab korang akan sangat memahami aku now.

But one thing u need to know,
aku bukan lepas break ye?haha

Mental breakdown,yep.
padan muka kau Fynn! 
Memilihlah lagi next time nak cari part time uhh...
Now silakan enjoy your hell on earth XD

presenting...*drum roll*
my Big Bang latest single!

Tell Me GoodBye!

been waiting for this since FOREVER!
OMG!totally lovin it!
*ignoring TOP's new hair colours*


one more thing,
dah tengok Kimi Wa Petto?
i'm on it now...even a bit late :P

Tak sabar tunggu versi Korea!

Jang oppa <3

Any suggestion for my next drama?

Monday, May 17, 2010


First, yes Beyonce did inspired me for the tittle.
Second, i don't really expect anyone would read this (yes of course,except for my life time stalkers), sebab 
Thirdly,don't bother ring my parents or 999.
yah, whatever!

People usually becoming this wretched when it's Monday but as for me, everyday is Monday! Guess what? No doubt i'm in a very suicidal mood right now. Believe it or not, each of us had at least once in your entire life feeling like killing yourself. That's sure is a fact!... that i've just made up.HAHA. Shamelessly speaking, i have tried so many 'tricks' back then. Cutting off wrists, stabbing myself with broken bottles (in the stomach area on a weird-paddy fields'-machine), holding my breath (this one deserved a LOL), summoned demons (oh,this one too!), and everything else a teenage girl could ever done. Seems like i failed quite a lot,huh? Ouh,Ouh! i suddenly curious of how can i kill myself painlessly!!! O,Mr. Google...Help me out here,please?

Mr. Google just gave me links to websites of "Ways of committing suicide painlessly " 
And i thought i was the only one.
Well, mostly suggesting drugs, carbon monoxide inhaling, shot in the head, you know, those stuff i couldn't afford to. Guess, God wanna keep me around a little longer.pffttt.

People always goes around saying:
Oh,Fynn,she's a strong girl,demonic,heartless,and persistent.
Laugh out most of the time,
Of course she's doing fine,why bother ask?
  Having this darkest secret which i never tell any living things on earth buried in my chest is like having an invisible arrow shot and stuck on my heart,...or liver.I don't know...
I desperately needs to let it out, but my guess is nobody's listen.
No one wouldn't want to.
I've been judged all the time,
not to mention the on-going misinterpretations,

To top these up, yet another so called catastrophe is bugging me.
Not that i've decided to be a lesbo or such but when you're nineteen and you are still spouse-less, everyone around you will start poking their nose in our personals!
Asking me suspicious and yet tricky questions,
Throwing me smirks and speculations,
Making stupid conclusions.
God, even my mum!
She's been nagging for all my life and i don't think she'll ever stop.
You see, i'm just not the kind of girl moms would want to have.
I do things my way,
I hate being told what to do,
I'm rebellious.
Nevermind, i can't blame her.
Your life is empty,you don't have this, you don't have that, you don't even have a boyfriend.

Curse it. WHY?
I've been dealing with this for the toughest three years of my life but when i'm least expected, those homosapiens who thinks they have the right to bug with my relationship status bring it up straight to my poker face.
It hits me hard,indeed it did.

Tell me,
Which girl at my age don't want to have a super charming boy head over heels on her?
To have that someone that she could think he is her soulmate?
Having pictures all over facebook, changing the status and gets people jealous or either clicking the 'like' button?
just by thinking of these tempts me.

But who am i?
to ever defy the fact that,this bastard i've been waiting for is going to be late?
the fact that boys nowaday are hard to believe?
the fact that:
none is interested.
none catches my eyes.
i got much more to think of rather than this.
me not being pretty,girly,attractive,and fit enough.
well,at least these i can come up with for now.

So i came up with these ;

they did a very good job indeed, as distraction tools.
some said i'm desperate,
some said i'm obsess,
some laugh and even impress.
funny though that some even believe it.

says you!
as for me, i created some delusion, with some-some of hallucination of me loving those top stars so that i won't bother looking for boys.
Surprisingly, it works!
the problem is, i'm spending too much time online.

Take me away,
i needs a getaway...
I hate my high school friends,i really do.
ThankGod some of them is still trustworthy.
Up until now, i've been worrying about tolerating,being considered,
but i'm done being nice!
In the end,i'll be treated like trash anyways.
Toss around.Deserted.Forgotten.

Why is it i'm so messed up?
I'm beginning to think that there's something wrong with me.
well, i figured it quite a long time ago.
Now,come to think of it,my mum is right,
My life does empty.

I've heard it somewhere,
Before we were born, 
We had been shown of how our life going to be if we choose to live,
all the ups and downs of life which lays ahead.
Then,we decide to be born or not.
I seriously don't get it why i said YES.
Would it be different if there's no me?

HAHA!wow.tahniahlah to whom yang willing to read this far.
It's either you really care for me that much, just can't get enough poking around my life, the needs of stalking or you really are listening.Forget it.No worries, i just wrote this as a practice. You know, i'm thinking of being a novelist.yahh,right~

Thursday, May 13, 2010

My price to pay?

Not long ago, i got this pop-up chat from FB.
it's someone i know from SeriIndra(my elementary school).
my primary school was a dreadful nightmare. go ask my batch,you'll see why.
God,i hate to bring up this phase of my life.
It was awful.
masquerade mask Pictures, Images and Photos
then there he went and said;

Macam kenal,sape tah?'s funny to be asked something like this.
You see,i never had problem remembering people faces,names...
So,if you ever jump into me like AGAIN and i don't seem to recognize you,
it means i don't wanna see you anymore :)

So then i answered,
u know me,from your SeriIndra?

then of course, maybe i got him to remember,
so there's no more words afterward.
Not that i'm making any hasty speculation but common'
who couldn't tell the meaning of that expression?
nevermind, i kinda used to that.

Well,that's one thing.
friends Pictures, Images and Photos
Here comes another.

I'm beginning to think that there's something wrong with me.
I worked my ass off to please almost everyone,making them satiesfied.
But at the end of the day,
everything i've done is just worthless.
why is it i'm feeling that friends are being apart from me?
why is that i'm feeling like i'm not good enough to be anybody's friend?
why is that i feels like people's hating me?
why does everything doesn't seems right?
why must i feel this way?
Tears Pictures, Images and Photos

susah sebenarnya,
being me.
am i not normal?

Friday, May 7, 2010

Setakat group di Facebook je...

Ok,sekian lama i've been writing non serious stuff and it bored me. and yes,obviously ironic dengan jurusan aku.pffttt...bukan kau dapat 4 rata pun,Fynn!aigoo...baiklah!aku rasa kes ni tersangatlah famous amos di Malaysia sekarang.Di Facebook apetah lagi.Yes,tepat sekali! Kes arwah adik Aminulrasyid yang ditembak mati oleh POLIS tak berapa lama dulu...Bagi yang malas nak tengok berita, baca paper macam aku, below, ada sort of ringkasan cerita lah pasal this.

NOTE THAT:: bukan aku yang tulis plus, i just took this directly from a group on FB.

Siapa dia adik Aminulrasyid :
 - berumur 15 tahun
- bersekolah di salah sebuah sekolah menengah di Shah Alam
- menurut guru2 dan rakan2 beliau yang ada di dalam group ini, arwah tiada langsung masalah disiplin di sekolah dan aktif dalam bidang sukan hingga menjadi wakil daerah

Apa yang berlaku kepada arwah Adik Aminulrasyid :

-Rakyat Malaysia telah dikejutkan dengan kes kematian Allahyarham adik Aminulrasyid Amzah, 15 tahun, pelajar tingkatan 3 Sekolah Menengah Seksyen 9, Shah Alam yang telah ditembak di kepala oleh pihak polis. Beberapa media telah melaporkan bahawa remaja terbabit sebagai suspek ahli kumpulan samun, namun perkara ini dinafikan oleh keluarga Allahyarham. Polis mendakwa kereta yang dipandu oleh Allahyarham cuba merempuh anggota polis peronda untuk melarikan diri dan polis bertindak melepaskan beberapa das tembakan yang seterusnya membunuh Aminulrashid.
-Namun lain pula gambaran yang diberikan oleh rakan Aminulrashid yang ada bersama Allahyarham dalam kereta ketika kejadian. Dalam laporan polis yang telah dibuat, rakan yang sebaya dengan Allahyarham menegaskan Aminulrashid dalam ketakutan apabila terlanggar sebuah kenderaan lain dan terus memintas kereta peronda berkenaan. Setelah dipintas, anggota peronda terus mengejar dan melepas tembakan yang mengena sasaran. Aminulrashid rebah dalam kereta dengan luka tembakan di belakang kepalanya. Saksi utama ini juga melaporkan beliau kemudian di pukul oleh anggota polis sebelum sempat melepaskan diri. Beliau kemudian membuat laporan polis di Ibu Pejabat Polis Shah Alam.
-Menurut Monaliza Mokhtar, Biro Hal Ehwal Murid PIBG Sekolah Menengah Seksyen 9, beberapa media yang menganggap juvana terbabit sebagai suspek kumpulan samun sebagai satu fitnah. Pelbagai persoalan timbul di kalangan masyarakat berkaitan kes ini. Kes ini dilihat boleh mencalarkan imej Polis Di Raja Malaysia (PDRM) sebagai badan yang bertanggungjawab menjaga keselamatan awam.

Bagaimana laporan media pengampu :
- tunjukkan seolah2 arwah jahat dan penyamun
- laporan bercanggah satu sama lain
- laporan yang menyinggung hati keluarga arwah

Got the picture? ok.mari proceed...sebelum anything bad happen or you people start judging me, ketahuilah bahawa this is my opinion,nothing got to do with anything.sekali lagi, 


Sebenar-benarnya, aku pelik kenapa orang marah sangat dengan pihak polis. Dah memang terang-terangan which ever ways, it was a mistake. Salah faham! Pernah dengar tak pepatah:
If you want to point fingers to others, make sure your hand is clean!

Well,true, it was a tragedy...but bila benda macam ni berlaku, logik kah kalau kita nak salahkan polis? Rationally lah kan, even sekejam mana pun polis, takkan lah diorang willing untuk shot to death a boy? 

The thing is, yang tak boleh tahan nya, group-group di Facebook. To me, words yang diorang pakai sangat lah (tafsir sendiri.). Siap ada yang mencadangkan hukum hudud dilaksanakan atas Polis-polis yang terlibat! Fuuyoh! Sampai macam tu sekali impak kes nih. Ada juga yang accuse medias manipulating the story lah... Rasanya banyak lagi assumptions yang i never find out.

Apa-apa pun, ingatlah, setakat mana je yang kita tahu? Boleh ke kita nak tentu kan pihak mana benar pihak mana salah? tak,bukan? Oleh itu, just tunggu dan lihat. Lagipun, dah ada suruhanjaya Penyiasatan kan? Stop lah tuduh-tuduh...Fitnah tu...Kalau hukum hudud bagi perbuatan menfitnah apa ye?

p.s. renung-renungkan!dan selamat beramal!^^
      harap maklum.ayat aku tunggang langgang sbb kne control.Nanti tak pasal aku pulak kena sue!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

3years:Shall i rest my case now?

Ok, frankly, siapa yang pernah bercinta more than 3 tahun?
Wahh!Hebatlah korang!Seriously...

Em, now how many of u guys yang pernah ada crush to this same person over 3 years straight like i do?
Love Pictures, Images and Photos
Angkat tangan cepat!
Last Q, anyone of u yang tak bertepuk sebelah tangan and mission accomplished?

*mood hilang sebentar disebabkan Mukabuku*

Ok,as some of u guys might notice,i'm totally not a quitter. If i want something i'll go for it. 
Tapi, 3 tahun babe...Lama tak lama?
Nak tahu kisah dramatik tu,baca ni :

Sampai at one point of my life i knew i had to put an end to this.
hugs Pictures, Images and PhotosMesti korang tahu betapa penatnya rasa mengharap,kan?
 And sebab tu, i think finally i nak QUIT.
like seriously, white flag,semua!
Perasaan tu dah hilang,lama dah...
But i try hiding it before the BFF tittle.pffttt..

What am I thinking?

We've been friend and i guess i'm comfortable with it.
Honestly,he's been giving out signals recently,
over these past few months lah...
but, rasanya lama sangat aku tunggu,
sebab i'm not happy as i'm supposed to,
dannn,what worse?
RIMAS lah!rimas!

Oleh itu,dengan senang hatinya:

I rest my case!

Sedikit nasihat: anda di luar sana,never scare to give other chances.sbb u never knew who loves u the best kan? To SA around the world: a tough determination can shaken up almost everything,good luck,ay!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Nak ajar anda jadi penggodam terhormat!


geramnya! masalah betul...isk...
ternyata line internet Malaysia dah totally kena baham jerung.
Someone told me yang this catastrophe WAS going to end by 2 May!
damn it!hari ni dah berapa haribulan?
what's weird, kenapa Malaysia the only place yang kena?
why tak Indon ke, Thailand ke...
Mungkinkah...(i shall leave this to your thinking lah)

ok,sebab i'm really upset at this very moment,
i'll give out some tips & tricks laa yang u guys boleh guna.
anytime,anywhere. and of course bila tengah online.
this is why you DON'T want to trigger my nerve :)

i said it's going to be SIMPLE kan?
so, para pengodam PhD di luar sana,no room for critics.TQ.

# 1 : Tips untuk tahu people punya status di YM ;]
ok,benda ni amatlah berguna bagi couple-couple di luar sana yang tak boleh nak kasi muka atau mempercayai korang punya partner.HAHA. nahhh..i was joking!bukan stalking kan? investigating,katanya! tak kisahlah, that's your bussiness...
senang saja, KLIK link-link kat bawah ni,and no one boleh appear invisible to you lagi!
Sila pilih mengikut kesesuaian anda.

How to train your G-Dragon!
iklan sebentar.^^

# 2 : Webpage not available!!!grrr...

Ouh,this is common. Especially budak-budak sekolah kan?haha. Budak U pun lebih kurang daa... 
Sampai bila korang nak guna Facebook Lite kan? Sooner or later admin mesti dapat tangkap punyalah!
So,with that, aku akan kasi satu address untuk korang. Pandai-pandailah baca arahan kat page tu,ok?

WARNING:Kalau korang buka websites porns and all,NOT my responsibility!

lagi satu, em,kalau u guys guna firefox, kalau tak salah ada add in sendiri but,
to those yang tak ada, 

  1. Copy url page yang anda nak buka from the address bar.
  2. Then, go to
  3. Dalam search box, u guys type 
CACHE: (URL website yang korang copy tadi)

ok?tak faham tanyalah ustaz!
haha.tanya aku lah.adoyy
dua cukup kot?nanti-nanti masa aku bengang sampai nak letupkan laptop dengan mercun,aku kasi lagi yang lain.
Simple saja,complicated? Better aku buat buku je terus.lalala~