
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Ahoy, orang kampung!Aku ada berita gembira ni!

[Sila kelik untuk tumbesaran gambar]

Alhamdulillah, syukur kepada tuhan, after all these heart-wrenching incidents, finally, here's the end. Which mean, suatu permulaan yang baru bagi aku :)

Well, i didn't get UKM, sebab masalah sana-sini, so there goes my Syariah study. Mungkin Tuhan nak aku handle kes civil saja,kot?Who knows?HAHA.Okayyy, daftar 2 July, which is in a couple of days! Barang apa tak beli lagi, thankgod x-ray tak perlu!

And yes of course, juta juta terima kasih kepada kawan-kawan and those yang secara lansung or tak lansung yang tak jemu encouraging me and for believing me too much!
One last favor,guys? Doakan aku berjaya habiskan degree ini dengan super duper cemerlang! And lastly, semoga aku dapat cope dengan top scorers di UiTM sana.AMIN.

Oh my, aku sangat lega dapat sampaikan berita ni pada my parents.
Hilang satu beban =_='
Oh,boy!Oh boy! i have mixed feelings about this.

One more thing, pssssstt!

Tak perasan ke? Blog I dah transform,YOU!HAHAHA...
Changed for good,i'll say :)
Cantik tak? Okay tak? or burok?
Let me know please........

Above all, selamat tinggal tears day!Welcome happy day!
So,sebab aku super happy and bersyukur, next post aku akan ajar cara nak lawakan FACEBOOK anda!
nak tak?nak tak?

contoh 1
contoh 2
contoh 3
 yes, aku addicted dengan header baru,so jadi la kau background facebook aku!wakawaka!

Anyway,make sure anda semua ada Google Chrome,okay!

This blog is CLOSED!

yes of course for some upgrading.

i'm 9- teen for God sake!
no room for so called princess anymore :)

Hello,mature ME!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Friday, June 25, 2010

Nak baca fikiran orang?

Okay,obviously aku sedang act as if nothing's wrong.But who cares? So, how? Teringin tak nak tahu macam mana untuk baca fikiran orang? Sebab entah kenapa suddenly i teringat balik how excited i was bila benda ni menjadi masa i try dulu. Rasa macam ada kuasa ajaib lagi wok!,macam X-MEN!
Korang seriously tak perlukan super power ke apa, just perlu fokus, and of course boleh melihat lah :)

Tapi, before apa-apa, please make sure yang korang ada tali/ benang. Nak yang nipis macam benang sudah,sebab kalau korang pakai tali kapal ke, takut tak terdaya pula nak menghayun kan?haha. Then, i nak u guys ada something yang heavy and boleh digantung ke tali tadi. Okay, sauh kapal adalah totally prohibited. Guys,think straight lah!HAHA.Sebagai contoh, i guna a string/benang and ikat to a key.

End product, macam ni ;

Sort of. :|

Make sure, tali tu tak payah biar panjang sangat, sedang-sedang saja yah!
And, pemberat tu pun,jangan lah seberat jongkong emas bhai!agak-agak lah~
Lastly, sila jadi pemangsa yang bukan malu-malu kambing,kaki tipu atau egois.HAHA
Ni untuk smoothing je. HAHA

Okay,here how it works ;
Make your volunteer tu pegang the end of that tali like i did macam dalam gambar di atas.
Then, hold still,jangan biar pemberat tu bergerak-gerak,goyang ke apa. Then, cakap kat volunteer you all tu, jangan gerak lansung tangan dia. And suruh dia jawab pertanyaan korang dalam hati SAHAJA. meaning, tak payah terpekik terlolong ke,faham?

Nama game ni ialah:


So,soalan yang nak korang tanya mesti based on ya atau tidak. 


Kau selalu meracau malam-malam?

Ya atau tidak?

Contoh SALAH:

Nama kau apa?

Get it?Get it?Faham tak?

Macam mana korang nak baca fikiran orang tersebut? Here's the trick. Perhatikan closely,dengan betul-betul lah! Tengok pemberat tadi. Bila orang tu jawab soalan korang, pemberat tuh akan automatically goyang/gerak dalam patern tertentu.

Kalau orang tadi selalu meracau malam-malam, pemberat tu,
akan move in circle
Kalau dia jawab tak,
pemberat tu akan move in straight line. tak kiralah vertically/horizontally.


Masa ni korang perlu pastikan betul-betul corak pergerakan pemberat tu.

Try lah.Mostly it worked out well masa i buat dulu. Kalau bosan ke apa~
And of course tak jamin 100% betul,eh! I swear i read this somewhere. but i can't remember. Masa tingkatan 3 dulu kot! Theoretically, mungkin boleh dipercayai game ni, as long as there's no flaws,cacat kat mana-mana. Basically, I THINK, bila that person jawab, otak akan buat some sort of reations.Yang mana korang kena figure out sendiri. Contohnya facial expression. In this case, by moving pemberat tu.

Okay guys,try it.Have fun!
And go ahead, show off to your friends! 

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Not so good news.

Mari mari, dengar ini cerita!
Poyo weh...
Ok, mostly dah tahu condition aku yang tak berapa nak senta these passing days. Sebab kejadian lahanat tuh. And, of course aku tak terkejut lansung when it turn out this way. Agak pathetic and totally predictable. Dah,dah. Stop kutuk,already.Nanti tak pasal aku ada fan page free kat FB.

Okay,here it goes.
UiTM akan serap masuk 16 people.Before this i thought all together 20 orang yang kena,idk what happen. Itupun doesn't necessarily including me. 

My heart says: Terima kasih saja lah labu!
My head says: please let me be among those 16~

Stupid fynn!

Thanks to Hawa for this infos. So, by next week baru dapat tahu whether i will make it or tak. So,marilah tunggu beramai-ramai!

My plan?
I thought if dapat masuk UiTM, i shall go and wait sampai keputusan rayuan UPU is out. and if i get lucky, by any chance of course, i wouldn't hesitate untuk melarikan diri ke UKM. UNLESS, the second intake session is differ from the first.faham tak?Nevermind. tak penting .So,keep our fingers crossed yah~

Now, my hommey is in complete chaos. Mum and Dad bising pasal how it is expected and keeps on telling me to redha,redha and redha. Unfortunately, i am not that person of "okay,i accept". Nahhh.I shall berusaha mati-matian sampai i get what i deserved. i always get what i want. It will be just a matter of time and how.
You wait~

I will stand :')

STAND- Rascal Flatts

You feel like a candle in a hurricane
Just like a picture with a broken frame
Alone and helpless
Like you've lost your fight
But you'll be alright, you'll be alright

Cause when push comes to shove
You taste what you're made of
You might bend, till you break
Cause its all you can take
On your knees you look up
Decide you've had enough
You get mad you get strong
Wipe your hands shake it off
Then you Stand, Then you stand
Life's like a novel
With the end ripped out
The edge of a canyon
With only one way down
Take what you're given before its gone
Start holding on, keep holding on

Cause when push comes to shove
You taste what you're made of
You might bend till you break
Cause it's all you can take
On your knees you look up
Decide you've had enough
You get mad, you get strong
Wipe your hands, shake it off
Then you stand, then you stand

Everytime you get up
And get back in the race
One more small piece of you
Starts to fall into place

Harusku khabarkan pada siapa...

Duhai hati,
Aku harap kau tabah.
Aku harap kau kuat.
Aku harap,

Oh snap it out already.

Dear heart,
Please be strong for me,
Please stay by my side
when others just can't stand me whinning anymore.
Oh,what am i talking about?
I got you locked within my ribs cage.
Anyhow, if you decide to stop pumping,
blurt it out to me.

Dear God,
they said You gave me this heavy weight on my shoulder
because You know i can carry it well.
What made You think so, my Lord?
Please, give it to somebody else because
You were wrong about me.
and now,i'm a sinner.

Dear Fynn,
stop pretending to have might.
stop hoping that high.
you'll never reach it.
what else do you have left to say?
i can see you shaking.
why is that you are frowning?
see,your faith shaken up bad.

Dear helpers,
those kind-hearted souls.
you are my prized possessions.
but yet,
words don't work on me.
not anymore.
i am a monster now.
FEAR me!rawrrr
stop motivating.
forgive me.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Allergic lah, you all!

Allergic,rasanya everyone tahu apa itu allergic kan?
Dalam bahasa Melayu nya ALAH. Yes, yang korang asyik sebut benda alah,benda alah. Yang tu lah!
Bukan semua tapi sure mostly daripada kita ada allergy kan? Allergic seafoods lah(which i really really pity you for missing some nikmat dunia yang yumyum! Oh,Fynn kejam XD), allergic habuk, lagi apa lagi? Allergic lelaki pun ada baa! Oh yeah, apa lagi tujuan aku bangun pagi-pagi buta ni and terus blogging kalau bukan nak kecoh pasal allergic gua? FYI, hadirin sekalian, i tersangat lah sangat sangat allergic kepada :


Pelik tak? pelik tak?

Okay,seriously Fynn, kau kena stop habit gema ni ASAP. Anyway, percaya atau tak, lousy management amat sentap guys! Aku paling tak suka if pengurusan something-something tu dibuat sambil lewa and lepas tu menyusahkan juta juta orang.Ternyata effects nya lebih teruk from bibir bengkak or gatal-gatal kan? Okay, essay yang baik haruslah ada contoh, cikgu BM aku ajar dulu. Jadi,selaku EX pengerusi persatuan BM, contoh paling senang nak bagi ialah management yang sedang handle problem aku now. Whether U lama aku dulu or UPU itself, u guys lebih tahu *winks 

Ini adalah effect allergic i

Yang merah tu semua nama institusi berkenaan.HAHA
Yang lain tu,censored words. jadi, judge for yourself how bad it is.
and latest news:

muahaha.sampai senat ke?
obviously ramai jugak yang kena ay?

Anyway, korang allergic apa?

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Saya nak bela Singa!

Okay.Fynn, adakah kegagalan UPU made u lost your mind???
Ou,well. you can say that.
Anyway, korang dah tengok video ni?or pernah dengar mak cik, pak cik gossip ke apa?

Okay,mari dengar ini cerita tentang seekor singa ;D

Well,long ago ada la these two guys yang jumpa anak singa yang kena kurung dalam sangkar. Then diorang decided to buy it and bela. Nama singa comel ini ialah Cristian. Tapi, lama kelamaan, Christian semakin membesar.Well,what do you expect from a lion? So diorang decided untuk hantar Cristian to africa, balik ke hometown segala singa. Setahun kemudian, those two guys nak pergi melawat but authority kat Africa cakap, Christian now dah jadi sangatlah ganas and ketua segala singa kat sana. Maybe dia takkan dapat cam diorang. But still, diorang still pergi juga...

Nak tahu what happen bila diorang jumpa???
Sila tengok video ini!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Rise and shine!

Hari ni saya bangun, dapat satu text!
OMG,semalam pukul 2.45 pagi ada orang call!


The text made me smile.
 rasa lega sangat.
it put up some hope.
at last some good news in this calamity...
Terima kasih, tuhan...
Hopefully it's real :)

I cannot tell you yet,until it is confirm.
but, i want to thank you in advance sebab always being there when i cannot even trust myself :)

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Bersyukur is not just a thing.

Feels like you got it bad?
Not having everything your way?
Disappointed? Crushed? Not being thankful?
Still complaining? Sweating over small stuff? Sighing? 

Well,maybe you should learn a little bit of my life. Feels my disappointment, the heartbreaks, and everything and then you'll see how lucky you have been. Friends, i'm not longing for attentions that i do not deserve, neither does i'm begging for any pieces of sympathy left. I'm just a lunatic girl who fall apart by silly jokes who wanted her words to be heard. As much as i wanted everything to be okay, as much as i wish i could face this strong pretty much like Nick, i just wish those people out there who's much more luckier than me to start looking at the bright side.
Please, stop complaining about not getting into your favorite institutions, not having enough time to prepare everything, or saying that you hate it because you have to be miles away from home. Be thankful, gorgeous. Because, your life is not that intricate,count on me. You now have the full reign to look down on me and think; really, am i that unfortunate?  

Getting hurts over and over again - my heart has undergone such an indescribable but yet so saddd,NO. So worn out. Sing, Oh, Suzanna, don't you cry for me... It's not working,i know. Don't anyone dare to go there,don't. My shoes are meant for me,you already have yours. I never thought this rejection can bring this much harm. I thought only toxic is hazardous. Clearly, i'm not meant for science. then how about life? Interesting,huh? Those mocking, smirks, insults, egos, heart wrenching advices... And i thought i was one tough girl who'll never quit. 

I know you might say I sounded like D most pathetic who quits easily, not being grateful, and so ever. but, i'm in a great catastrophe. The one worse than 2012. 

Friday, June 18, 2010

Am i going to finish strong?

Okay it is.
some of u maybe dah tahu. i didn't get through upu. Satu uni pun tak dapat! even UUM pon tak nak terima aku. punya lah hina.HAHA

in this case, tak tahu nak point fingers kat mana lagi dah.
I suspect my passed Uni.
messing up with my result like hell.
ow,its complicated nak explain kat korang.
sebab apa,bukan aku sorang je yang kena.fcuk!

Syahdu sungguh whenever i saw people worrying about how to print the form,which college they are in and such while the only thing i could think about is why me?why didn't i get the shot?okay,here it goes.I'm not meant to brag but seriously, with my 3.67 cgpa, i should have at least been accepted to UUM, or UKM or even UIA.DEVASTATING and PATHETIC, these two words described my condition equally. I mean, come on, if the authority made mistakes, why do you guys keep it to yourself? What are you thinking? Do i really have to remind you that it's my future you're dealing with?It's not like i'm going to sue or anything (which is the first thing that came up in my mind.),please for God sake,make things right again. I'm just asking to get in ANY universities. Because i know, i have the right and i work my ass off over this.

At one point, i just feels like giving up. Go out to town and find worth-living job cause the future seems so hard on me. I'm feeling so low that i actually think being alive is not worth it. If i can't nail my aims, what's the point of breathing?Now,it's trizillions times easier for people to say:

 be patience,Fynn ada hikmah tu,
Maybe God have a better plan for you?
I know you will get in!

It hurt whenever i hear those motivational words because i'm forcing my heart to have faith while my body is walking toward the cliff.It's not that simple to be optimistic, to believe in fate or to lie to yourself. It's just not. Things happen for reasons?BULLSHIT. Now tell me,why?I've been shedding tears for like 3 days or so,cannot accepting the fate. I have lost the faith.The whole world is coming apart.

So,i try my very hardest (the limit in which any cautious mind could ever imagine) to be strong. Then only i realized i'm nowhere near STRONG.So i watch Nick the limbless man like so many times that my eyes almost explode! I'm serious. Why can't i have the strength to get back up?Why?

So,i decided to keep on trying,again and again and again regardless of what people might think of me,what they will say to me being a failure, regardless of how many times people ask me questions like "which university are you going to?".I'm just sad.very sad.but because i know this is not the end...i will make good use of what i have left.i'm still going to work my ass off of even though everything won't work out with me. I just had to.Right this moment, i felt life is pointless,cold, alone but i need to know if i ever going to finish strong.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Becoming too reckless and just couldn't careless~

Dear backbone,
i had a very jammed pack week. Please hold onto anything ; muscles,ribs or such :)

Okay here it is:

I',m done hurting people,
i'm done fooling around,
i'm done staying up late,
i'm done...
itu jelah kot?

Ha,i'm getting ready;
for being so called saint,
for this July intake!
for this one hot pilot.

GOD,Fynn,get a hold of yourself!

It's not my fault.
Siapa suruh men in uniforms look bloody cool?

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Ms Eifa?Gracias!

Hoyeah,aku totally bosan now.what to do?
seems like award ni dah bersarang, so here it goes ;

1. Tulis entry kat blog pasal award nie
2.ceritakan bagaimana usaha korang untuk mencomelkan blog korang . contoh : korang mengubah suai smpai ta tido malam ke , etc . sila sertakan 2 website yg korang selalu pergi untuk mmbantu edit blog korang . jangan kedekut ye , sharing is caring
3.tuliskan 5 perkataan melambangkan korang
4.tag kawan kawan yg korang rasa patut menerima award ni

Ha,memang dah berhari-hari tak tidur semata-mata edit blog ni!Tapi dah banyak kali tranform kot? Dulu pakai classic template saja,now dah ada design lagi di Dashboard!

Website eh?
apa eh?em...
Link segala bagai ada kat blog ni,
silalah,self-serve okay? :)

5 perkataan?
Kat Facebook ada ni,jap...

:: Eccentric
:: Trouble
:: Enigmatic
:: Paranoid
:: Indecisive 

Nak tag malas,
I'll let them know lah ^^


Sunday, June 13, 2010

FIFA World Cup!...In HD! ^o^

Now tell me siapa yang tak tengok iklan astro ni?
Jap,jap! Sorang tu Messi kan?

Sorang lagi tu siapa?
Lampard kegilaan Claire kah?

HAHA.Don't be so hard on me ye,sebab i'm not a football fan pon~
(Habis aku kena kutuk dengan kipas-susah-mati lepas ni!)
Sekadar tengok bila adik aku conquer TV and nak tengok hot guys kicking ball! 

Anyhow, korang sokong mana weyyy?!!
Ahh,tak kisahla....yang penting aku sokong... 


Korea tu maksudnya, Big Bang saya,ye? 

Aku sokong Korea pon sebab Big Bang and Kim Yuna buat dance move and nyanyi theme song diorang! HAHAHA... Reasonable,ape?

Let's dance together!

Tahniah laa sebab menang semalam!
Malam ni lawan Argentina kan?HAHA
Macam tak lepas jep...ekeke

Hutang Saya pada Mimi-chan!

1) Adakah anda rasa anda hot ?
Bila orang tanya soalan macam ni,automatik aku perasan hawt!

2) Upload wallpaper laptop yang anda guna skrg ?
Header blog baru gua maa!
obsessed dgn artwork sendiri!LOL(sile rujuk post before)

3) Cerita pasal gambar ini .
Like i said,nampak sangat ke-taksuban aku dgn HOT-BOD XD

4) Kali terakhir makan pizza ?
Now that u mention it, aku rasa dah berzaman!
Masa aku kat Shah Alam dulu weh!

5) Lagu terakhir yang anda dengar ?
Ear Candy! Wow best!Baek JiYong~
Saranghae~Wo Ai Ni~
Nah aku kasik link download sekali!

6) Apa anda buat selain menyelesaikan tag ini ?
Sedang download parody Telephone from Vanetian Princess!
U Tube la guys!HAHA

7) Selain nama sendiri , anda dipanggil dengan nama apa ?
Fynna, Miaww(aww,rendu),Erin, Heyl, Tabitaik XD


8) Tag 5 orang , siapa yang nak kena tag ?

9) Siapa orang number 1 pada anda ?
My Tassy,the comrade di SA dolu :)

10) Katakan sesuatu pada orang number 5 .
err..Hello Zhet,lama sudaa tak sembanggg ^^

11) Number 3 ada hubungan dengan siapa ?
Alamak!idk :P

12) Bagaimana pula dengan number 2 ?
my besty yg ada dual personality!i loike!

13) kata - kata cinta pada orang number 4 .
Sayang, bila nak kasik boyfie kaw pada aku? <3

14) Berikan 5 fakta tentang orang yang anda tag .

  1. Obsess dgn lelaki kurus.HAHAHA
  2. Shoes addict! YOU need rehab hun ;]
  3. Seorang lelaki?hahah..i know nothing lah
  4. Gila Chelsea!
  5. I know her from Munze!eh?...

Phewww...Selesai hutang kita MIMI!Sumpa aku tatau nak tag sapa...! 

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Blog baru...u!

Hello, Hola, Haluuu!

There goes my 'triple H'~

Anyway, i ada BLOG baru!
actually, dah lama, tapi baru activate.
Sebab apa bikin another blog???

Find out yourself!

Check out my new header!
i like <3
Sudi-sudi kan lah menfollow,ye :)

Click gambar untuk ke blog baru saye!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Sayang,karma jangan buat main ayy!

Okay,now now,macam mana nak start ay? Ay,today aku terjangkit ascent pirates sikit. But nevermind, sebab Johnny Depp is one hot hook-less pirate ever!



ahh!Kapten Jack berhenti distracting me lahh!
ahhh!susah macam ni!tarik nafas, Fynn!!!


Okayy,now dah a bit stable sebentar.HAHA
berbalik kepada KARMA. Ouh, ya! Dalam ucapan alu-aluan aku ada mention benda ni kan?Anyone yang tak pernah tahu karma tu apa???

Karma tu,senang cakap; 

bila kita buat something bad pada orang one day, orang lain pulak yang akan buat lebih kurang pada kita.

Macam mana? takut tak?takut tak?Ada sesiapa nak minta maaf awal pada aku kah? HAHA.joking! kenapa muka cuak bhai??? Some people tak percaya akan karma, mungkin sebab tu lah diorang berani dengan selamba yayai buar dajal kat orang kan? To those yang percaya pulak, diorang akan sabar buat cool je bila kena bahan dengan orang lain sebab diorang tahu, one day, your on top but the next day you're at the bottom. Masa tu dengan bangga gila aku akan cakap, 

Padan la muka kau, bukan aku tak warning dulu kan? Kau yang mengada sangat nak kejar jantan-separa tu sampai sanggup disrespect aku yakni ex-senior kau, kaum sejantina kau and menyumbang ke arah "CHEAT" among men!

Sumpah, i'd rather lie tapi kegembiraan aku tak dapat diselindung lagi.HAHA. this is what happen bila Fynn jadi evil. Aku rasa puas bila kau kena rasa apa yang aku perlu rasa dulu. Like i said, KARMA babeh.
mari meng-cool kan diri sebentar! 

Oh My Wolverine! 

Dulu, alahai... punyalah defend balak kau kan? Sanggup gila subahat, sanggup couple even kau tahu mamat-separa tu bf(aku muntah hijau bila ingat balik) aku kan? Aku respect la sebab kau still percaya cinta sejati walaupun it was so centuries ago, tapi mamat yang kau sayang sangat tu,PLAYBOY,sayang :)
Nah,now dah terbukti kan?

Wahai mahlok-mahlok yang baca post ni,PLEASE! don't make any stupid assumption and make yourself look even more worse dan dengan gegeh nak merepot bergossip sana sini,okay? salah orang kang,malu... Cukup-cukup la jaja kisah orang, main tikam belakang ayy,kawan? Sorang dah kena penangan karma, em let's suspect belum, konco-konco, soon...!


isn't life is sweet?

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Ini post secret.hush!

Otak saya pusing,sila simpati.

These passing days i had a total out of da world punya blast!
thanks muchos to friends yang sanggup datang jauh konon alasan nak ambil sijil SPM kat sekolah and end up buat kerja lagho and memalukan diri at most of the public places macam kedai makan, Perlis's silly mall, bowling center and even dalam bilik guru. Even dapat dengar tazkirah free dari ustazah, jumpa Pak Ya terchenta, dan terpaksa kejar cikgu yang lari from kitorang sebab Chalida Bunthan free hair, it was worth it sebab aku dapat jumpa Cikgu Ku kesayangan aku which is my forever heartthrob , Cikgu Saiful yang semakin hansome,kacak bergaya,dengan loghat kelantan dan semakin slim (oh boy!oh boy!) dan Cikgu Amir yang panggil kita artissss!

Awwwwww @_@

You know, i think the rumor about me being partially insane and hallucination is coming true.
Seriously, it's either aku kena black magic or it's the over-functioning adrenaline.    

  1. Just everytime i drive aku rasa macam i've hit someone and drag his/her body dengan my car.
  2. I think,nahhh.I knew ada orang is spying on me.Well,i'm not quite sure if it is even a human being~
  3. I've been having weird dreams lately! and now, i CANNOT remember it.shessshh
  4. Why is it the fact that Adam Lambert is gay bothering me too much???!
  5. Ada banyak perasaan bercampur baur at once?
  6. Some said i've gained 1000pounds!
  7. Some said i'm turning skinny!
  8. I feels like going to Israel and self-bombing. Fynnn!!!
  9. I'm having weirdos and freaks in form of stray cats hanging out my lawn at midnight!
  10. I have to write this post.  

Hadirin hadirat sekalian, sila judge sendiri,ye?
Please inform saya if any of those symptoms are worrying.
Anyone yang ada explaination,please do so A.S.A.P. with more S.S.S!