
Sunday, January 23, 2011

Nothings personal.

Ini lagu kasi dengar,khas untuk kau yang terasa.

You know guys, when you say something offensive or something I don't like,

outside, I'll be like

but really,inside I'm like

Come on man.You can't go around hurt peoples' feeling regardless of how perfect you are. I know you might think, "Ahhh...this girl don't even reach my standard, so come, pandang slack dekat dia" Some people will just be like,

but hell yeah, not me. I don't understand why some people always think that they are the best,like they know it all.Even if they read this,they'll be like "What the fuck Fynn?". Hey,people is not that hard to read lah. It is such an eye sore to see my friends go around me saying 

"Fynn, kau tak reti masak,you're a loser"
"Seriously kau tak reti tu? tak reti ni? Seriously?"
"Kau tu gemuk,lain lah"
"Gila boros kau weh,dah habis duit biasiswa kau kerjakan"
"Kenapa kau tak study weh?"
"Kau ni asyik gelak je,asyik enjoy, tak fikir masa depan ke?"
"What! Kau tak kenal dia?where have you been?"
"Why kau tak join tu,ni,segala?"
"Asyik bangun lambat je,apa nak jadi?"

I mean seriously, korang kawan dengan aku sebab apa sebenarnya? No wonder it's always hard nak nampak muka sekor-sekor masa aku susah. Cuba masa tengah happy,tak da kawan, time tension, asal asyik bersepah je kissing my ass.WHY,sunshine?

Ye,kau lah terbaik, kau lah miss/mister perfect, kau lah hebat. Aku loser, pemalas, tak reti masak, cgpa tak 4 rata macam korang. Yelah, life is all about cgpa kan? About reti masak and not about rajin kemas, barang tak bersepah or keep down to earth. 

You know what? Nevermind. In the end, you will judge me anyway, so whatever. At least, do me favor. Don't shows up in front of my face everytime you're in for some fun. I honestly pity you. Why so afraid of having fun? What is it always has to be about, I must work my ass off and stick with people of my standard or better so that I can drive luxurious cars, own a mansion and make 5 digits payroll in the future? And even if you don't like me that much, stop insulting me as if i don't have feelings.

I'm fine with it sometimes. I just put on my straight face, curse and write a post for you,yes I would. BUT, what if I've been so fucking depressed lately? What if I'm very fragile inside that I can't stop thinking about what you said to me. What if I can't stop thinking about things that people say about me? Then I will be very low and think of myself of dumbass and there's no use for me to live anymore and I kill myself. Then you'll have to live with the guilt for the rest of your life. Lucky, I will just fucking hate you and making this special entry for you but not everyones like me. So,stop doing this to other people. It's not worth it. I myself knows what I'm lacking of.Yes, I do. You don't have to add on the pain by saying it out loud, I'm not stupid. I gained nothing from what you have given me except I now know the world is not all beautiful and fair.

I know,this post will be ignore. Nothing would ever change.I know,I know.


Anonymous said...

tak boleh nak taip BI ni sebab itu adalah kelemahan I. so yeah I'm going to say it in Malay.

urmm fynn, it's okay kalau u tak reti masak, asyik gelak2, badan tidak kurus,or you don't know someone sebab itu semua tidak memadai dalam hidup neh. Cehceh. I mean, okay I pun tak pandai masak, asyik gelak, badan gemuk, and tak kenal ramai people. Selalunya memang I ketinggalan dengan bab2 kawan I bergosip and then diorang sebut nama someone - someone tu dah macam kenal lama gila padahal satu universiti aja kot, contohnya. Tapi penting ke semua tu?? Kalau nak memasak tu memanglah penting kot [?] dalam nak membina rumah tangga tapi zaman sekarang restoran ada di mana jua, takyah susah2 pergi je beli tapau :PP

And and lagi orang yang pandang dunia ni macam ye ye je, u know what I mean. Ada apa kat dunia kan? Dunia ni just sementara jep, akhirat yang lebih penting (oh fine masuk ceramah agama pulak). Itu yang kita harus kejar :')

And now kalau u dah kenal friends yang just tahu bersenang - senang tapi bersusah lari, bolehlah u cari kawan betul2 sekarang, yang sedia bersama kita susah dan senang. Memang susah nak cari kawan macam tu tapi once u find them, memang best gila :D

So yeah, if you have not find one, I pray for you that you'll find a true friend one day. A true friend that will always be there for you. Tak kira susang senang. Miskin kaya. Kurus gemuk. Cantik berjerawat etc etc. And lagi best kalau that true friend tu jugak suami u. Heehee:3

Fynn said...

@miss faten
omg!i know right?sigh

i wish everyone could see what they're missing out.tak paham kenapa nak serius sgt dlm semua benda.ada je tak kena~

thanks for the nice of you babe.

and yes, ayat last uh,

a gigantic


farhana sanari said...

kene lagi eh
hold it right there
buat pekak buat bodoh
pedulikan sape2 yg kata those stuffs to you sbb they reallydont know who you are
you're one great n adorable girl who i love and one of the unique person ever
you are who you are
pedulikan ape orang cakap
and you can cakap dekat orang tu
Dont judge as we dont kan fyn
Butakan mata pekakkan telingaaa
Hold it tight dear.

Fynn said...

@fana babeh're such a sweet talker.haha
thankssss :3

and,yeah i will say PEGI MATI to them,yes I WILL.muahahhahaha

nn said...

i pun selalu gila kena kutuk. memang marah gila tapi that thing ajar i to not talk shit about others.

carpe diem!

champychempie said...

ak hidup hampir 1 sem ngn orng y asek ckp...
"weh ko ney gemuk la."
"weh ko pakai baju tu nampak gemuk la."
well,aku tau la dia agak kurus,tapi x yah la nak kata kat aku.
hati sakit x payah cakap la.

aku igt aku sorng je y kena macam tu..
well ayat y "ko tu len la sbb ko gemuk." aku pn pnh kena ayt tu