
Friday, December 31, 2010

My 2011 resolutions!

Oh don't get me wrong, dear hardcores of whatever in between, I'm a muslim yes,I know what awal Muharram is, but I also acknowledge new year. Bukan by clubbing till dawn, countdown at metal's group concert, or keluar date (konon romantic) on new year's eve. Not like that. But I enjoy fireworks,though. Afterall, I'm a teenage girl regardless of the fact that I'm getting into 20's soon (dammit),right people?All I'm saying is that, I don't see no wrong in going around telling people 'Happy New Year'!

Throughout 2010, I've been through lots of shits, craps and pricks. It's real world,who's to blame,kan? BUT, I can't believe it I'm saying this. BUT,those are the things that made me into me. Simple say, 2010 sucks to the fullest. Maybe this is a wishful thinking but I'm hoping for a better 2011.So hey, be nice.

# 1 Internet less.Study more

I don't know how on earth does I'm gonna nail this,but I did put this as priority no. 1 though.LOL

#2 There will be more days on which I don't give a fuck.

Tudung looks like shit?

Assignments still to do?

Bitches trying to make me mad?

Friends start giving me their new drama?

Some jerkass trying to tell me that I'm accomplishing nothing and should get a life?

#3 Ending 2011 single.

I did it this year,and I can do it again. Yes, there will be plenty of meaningless crushes that gonna seems like the one, but they are crushes, meaningless and temporary.

#4 I will start to look on the brighter side of things
#5 I won't hate myself for the imperfections

#6 I won't slack off in class...maybe just a little
#7 I'll appreciate my parents more
#8 Cry less.I'm 20

#9 I won't get butt-hurt over silly things

But, most importantly,

#10 I'll let go of the past

"Have a great 2011"

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Semalam hari Fynn.

Finally,finally babyyy!

Domo kun!

This is my current obsession. Nak kahwin nanti pun,aku nak ni dalam list hantaran,ok!
Domo kun yang comel!memang now 24/7 aku mengendong budak ni mana mana.
Jangan sentuh,jang peluk,jangan lenyek!aku punya la!
Anyway, crossed that from the wishlist already!

and, lepas hang out @ Kuala Perlis dengan Wardah and Kirah(?), aku super duper syiokkk.
Awww...spending leftover time for semester break as wise and full as possible yaw!

orang tengah dok hangat pasal kes laser indon, aku pula rasa macam nak pindah UK cepat cepat.
clap clap for the matching outfit!
I'm most definitely British!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Review : The Chronicle of Narnia : The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

Walaupun agak lambat beberapa hari, finally aku dah berjaya tengok Narnia! Best weh best! Sorry to say, aku prefer The Chronicle of Narnia much much more dari Harry Potter! Deal with it. Okay lah, mari sambung review.yeeha! Tapi aku frust tak dapat tengok 3D. confirm lagi masyuk ;)

This time, Lucy dengan Edmund saja yang ada since Peter dengan Susan dah besar panjang, dah tak boleh masuk Narnia-land lagi dah. So, diorang ni dihantar ke rumah cousin diorang, Eustace. 

Nak di jadikan cerita, tengah Lucy,Edmund and Eustace ni bergaduh, tiba-tiba Lucy perasan yang ada sebuah lukisan ni macam bergerak. Eustace yang sengal tu pulak ambil lukisan tu konon nak buang la since air laut tengah mencurah-curah keluar, tapi lukisan tu jatuh, and diorang sort of termasuk dalam tu dan end up kat tengah-tengah laut. 


Lepas tu,baru diorang perasan yang kat belakang diorang ada this big ship, which is the Dawn Treader!Kebetulan, kat atas kapal tu, ada Prince Caspian and the gang. So,mulalah diorang punya journey ke pelbagai islands sangat misterius. Best sebabnya, setiap pulau ada misteri masing-masing. Kalau korang tengok effects dia sangatlah WOW. Ada this sungai yang airnya boleh tukar everything jadi emas, mermaid yang lutsinar, naga, Dooflefold (Dwarfs yang ada satu kaki and tapak kakinya bapak la besar macam bigfoot!), magician, blue star, and ular laut yang sangat lah besar dan seram. And last sekali, baru diorang jumpa dengan Aalan. Okay,tak nak cerita banyak,nanti spoil untuk korang.

Jom aku introduce character baru lah ;

Budak Eustace ni, kira macam skema, berlagak segala~ So, dah boleh agak Lucy, Edmund tak rapat and asyik bergaduh dengan budak ni. Tapi thanks to budak ni lah, diorang dapat pergi ke Narnia lagi. And sebab dia jugaklah, cerita ni kelakar. Yang bestnya, nanti korang boleh tengok how budak ni berubah from gila annoying sampai Prince Caspian pun doubt diorang ada blood ties ke someone yang agak berguna. Dan bukan takat berubah perangai je, segala bentuk pun akan berubah. Dalam cerita ni, Eustace ada tulis diari, and diari dia tu lah yang akan narrating movie ni.

Prince Caspian yang yum yum ;D

Dwarf kaki bigfoot,aku lupa lah nama apa.duhh! Tapi diorang ni sebenarnya dah di-halimunan kan oleh magician.So,orang tak boleh nampak rupa sebenar diorang. Then diorang ni akan culik Lucy ni and cakap ;

"We are so big"
"We will kill you"

The Blue Star

Blue star ni yang guide untuk mision diorang nanti . Sangat lawa, dia anak kepada tuan salah satu pulau yang diorang akan pergi nanti.

This naga ada nama but won't tell you.HAHA

Aslan yang gebu! Well,tak banyak sangat dia muncul kali ni. Tapi mostly dia selalu dekat dengan Lucy, maybe sebab Lucy yang first jumpa Narnia kot? 

Overall, Narnia never is a disappointment to me. Suka tengok magical creatures and effect yang sangat jauh beza dengan filem local kita. Jalan cerita pun menarik. and oh yes, Narnia is one most beautiful country ever!Rating, aku bagi 4/5 bintang lah!Yang penting tak rugi korang keluar RM10 nak tengok wayang rather than beli from lanun,worth it ;)

Yang paling aku suka is bila Reepicheep bagi nasihat dekat naga yang tengah sedih tu,

"Extraordinary things only happen to extraordinary people" 

Friday, December 24, 2010

Azwan Ismail: Gay and proud.

 Aku baru tengok this video from belog Cik Epal,
first, I thought is this a prank?
No way,he's not muslim kan?
and then I was like.... SHOOT!


Pak cik, how about, 'I'm a muslim and gay is not OK' ?

I wish you'd at least learn law. Then you'll understand, yang every right has it own restraint.

"There is no denial it is hard to be gay in Malaysia"
"Especially if we are Malay...because"
"Faktor agama dan budaya banyak mencorakkan kehidupan kita..."

Pak cik,listen to yourself.

Kalau ikut hati I'd go cursing all over you,hoping you would get millions of hate letters and go suicide, yes kalau ikut hati. But if I do that, would you change to straight and repent?No.I bet you'll be like the most hardcore gay ever in Malaysia and having all the gays,men and women backing you up,kan? So, hardcore straights muslim out there, 

“Barangsiapa yang menyebut bahawa manusia semuanya sudah rosak, maka dia itulah yang paling rosak ...di kalangan mereka” [Hadith Riwayat Muslim]
Ini bermakna kita boleh menegur kemungkaran yg berlaku tetapi jgn sekali-kali mencerca dan mencela mereka dan seterusnya menganggap diri kita lebih baik dan mulia drpd mereka. Berilah teguran dgn penuh hikmah dan penuh dgn sifat rendah diri dan tawaduk. Wallahu a'lam (nasihat utk diriku sendiri dan sesiapa yg sudi berkongsi) by thisman

and dear pak cik,deep down under saya doakan pak cik dapat petunjuk and finally dapat figure out your true calling. Just stop being nonsense and encouraging innocent straight muslims out there. Oh, maybe you wanna flash back to kisah Nabi Luth kita. 

Thank you uitm,I'm having the time of my life.

They ask, "Fynn,what happen?"

"I got in uitm,that's what happen!"

I can clearly remember the first shit that got me eversince. The train incident,remember? I have a hunch and I believe in it. Then Goblin, and then it spread. I worked my ass off days and nights, aiming to get the freaking hell out of here. I did it. I managed two effing semester and I know, I'll be free. Right then when I was dancing to the music gracefully, UPU showed up. Crash me into pieces,worse than heartbroken that suicide would be a meaningless joke as an option. Everything messed up, everything been brought up, screw everything. That time, I was thinking of running away from home and starting a new carrier out of the streets living or if I'm lucky I might have been kidnapped and sold to the rich. But silly faith keep me going, and yet I'm stuck in the same place for the sins of others. So there was BLS while LLB used to be so near. And now, the eff fucking house. I rent it. I pay for two fucking months and I don't even got a single key. I'm a law student who loathe prejudices and I also happen to study about human right in the constitution. So,when this shit keeps on pushing me from what I deserve, the flame know,sort of turning real ugly. All I ask is pretty PLEASE duplicate the damn key and fucking post it to me. and I'll pay later. I'll pay double if money is what keep their brains disfunctional. If you guys are so full of the thought that I might steal your stuff or even thinking of arson, immediately slap your faces thrice. Rumah aku bukan around shah alam macam korang, and I happen to care about my mum yang nak kena hantar aku from perlis to shah alam by bus and terpaksa rush back on the next day since she has to work on bloody Monday! And you guys keep on fucking troubling me!

Hell yes it's a sloppy slope.
I'm emotional but I can think.

Do I blame uitm for those shitty things that never lay their eyes off me?

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Can a human marry a ghost?

I think too much about this man,

Why the hell do I have crush on a super cute hopeless romantic dead guy?
I scare myself,even.
So for hours depan laptop, I'm like staring at this

for God knows how long.

p.s. don't haunt me.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Spaghetti bolognese super e zayyy.

Spaghetti bolognese super easy,that's what I mean.hahah.

The thing is, aku punya azam untuk sem break kali ni is nak buat spaghetti bolognese! Ini favourite saye yaw.Since kat Secret Recipe,Pizza Hut and etcetera jual sangat lah mahal,I think why not belajar buat sendiri,kan? Cheap and the best is, boleh masuk banyak mana treat yang kita nak,sbb we are the cook! Tapi bila check out recipe, those westerns and Italianos pakai red wine as main ingredient,google punya google, finally jumpa recipe yang halal and sangat simple. Paling penting,rasa nya sangat lah tip top!

Okay,nak masak for 6 orang,korang kena ada these ingredient:

  • 1 piece garlic [minced]
  • 1 onion [minced]
  • 3-4 tomatoes [di dadu] plg senang,buy those baby tomatoes,and cut into 2 je.
  • 1-2 carrots [didadu] 
  • 1 btg celery [didadu]
  • 1 tin tomato puree/pati tomato (boleh beli kat pasarraya,confirm ade)
  • 200ml susu (this is the secret tak nak bg masam since mostly org mesia tak suka.)
  • 1 kiub stok lembu (bunyi mcm letak lembu terus je tp tak.ada,sama macam kiub ayam,tomyam)
  • 400 g daging cincang. (better beli je kat kedai dari susah payah nak cincang sendiri.LOL)
  • garam & gula secukup rasa 
  • 1 sudu oregano (kalau tak letak,tak beza sangat pun~)
  • Spaghetti la for sure.nak pakai fettuccine or angel hair ke,suit yourself. 

Nampak macam banyak right?Pffttt...Aku tak pakai carrot and celery sebab rasa macam tak best. Afterall,it's optional. Plus, kalau ada parmesan cheese lg better,for finishing touch ;) Oh oh! Susu,aku pakai susu segar je,yang Dutchlady tu.

How nak masak?

  1. Make sure korang ada this one big periuk yang agak tinggi so that nanti kuah tak melompat keluar,k?
  2. Masuk olive oil atau minyak masak 2-3 tsp, or butter pun boleh.
  3. Then letak garlic and onion.
  4. Kacau sampai nampak layu,then masukkan beef tadi. Kacau sampai daging tu jadi warna brownish.
  5. Masukkan tomatoes tadi, and masukkan tomato puree.
  6. Then korang boleh tambah air ikut sukatan 1 tin puree tadi,sebab nanti the sos kita kena biar lama.
  7. Dah?then masukkan susu and stok lembu.
  8. Then,cover periuk tu and biarkan for 1 hour. Make sure,api paling kecil ye,nanti hangus kang!Jangan lupa untuk constantly check. Takut anything happen.
  9. Then,bila sos dah almost nak masak,dalam periuk lain,isi air like half of it.
  10. Then masukkan like 2 tsp of minyak.This untuk elak from it melekat-lekat. And some salt.
  11. Then,boil the spaghetti.
  12. tarra~~~~

Senang kan? so this is my second time buat,since first time dulu terlampau laku and lapar,tak sempat nak snap lansung.(cehhh). Tapi seriously,bolognese is my favorite for a reason.Sedap nyahhh,try la buat!I quote my mum lah~

Sedap,but kena lah belajar masakan orang melayu jugak...
I swear, it taste better than it looks!

haihhh.I'm Brit-ish,mummm!

A budak like you, shouldn't!

Trust me,sooner or later aku akan kena sue dengan Dewan Bahasa & Pustaka or worst case scenario, one of MY kind akan jadi one of MY rojak. Who cares,Malaysians love rojak.

Ini pon rojak- nak kencing comic-nerds.

The big deal with my tajuk is that, I've been locked inside my own house dah almost thousand lightyears(divided it until it make sense) and every passing days, except for spending majority of my lifetime depan laptop or tv or berdengkur dalam bilik, I got to watch whatever is going on in the surrounding. Which is to put it bluntly, how my family dah jadi awesomely tungang terlabik. Yes, I know yang zaman sekarang is zaman kiddos rule like JB and Willow Smith,but it is indeed very surprising to see THAT happening to my sibs. I mean,adiks.

Okay, I may sound macam my parents, but seriously I know why they're worrying about everything now. You,know. How different diorang punya times and ours. It's like how wrong is these kiddos punya time compared to ours,the 1990's. Dulu we all had Lizzie Mcguire, now they had Hannah Montana. Dulu whenever a text comes in beeping like crazy,my mum akan berubah jadi to some sort of serigala jadian and run amok accusing me having non-healthy relationships lah,but now my lil bro siap dapat duit top up lagi. Dulu by ten dah kena masuk tidur but budak budak tu sekarang, aku dah bertahi mata, still lagi histeria depan tv.If you know what I mean.

Stress gue.

Bukan aku tak tahu, si blossom(adik laki beta) tu 24/7 asyik texting sana sini. Dah la ringing lagu indon bapak panjang sia! Dengan perempuan pulak tu, flirt so immaturely. Kalau lah aku boleh ketuk kepala and tell him, this thing yang kau buat one day, when you grow up to be in a position of mine,having this maturity of seeing the reality baru kau tahu, you should have spend the money buying me stuffs,instead. Tapi I'd rather you learn it by hand. Just tukar vibrate mode,boleh?Then go ahead, crushing your fairy tale.

And these under 18 girls and some yang pernah jadi junior aku dulu,tergedik sana sini.Meluat la bila asyik login FB and tengok status jiwa kacau kau...

"Cinta itu haruskah dijerit kuat kuat atau simpan dalam hati"

"Yes,saya baru pijak semut"

"Awak,dia minx 6be phne"

Susah betul,kalau suci sangat ni.Kau ingat cinta tu macam dalam movie indon ke weh? Kau cuba upah orang acu pistol dekat kepala so called laki kau tu,kau rasa dia nak terkencing dalam seluar and lari atau take the bullet for you?Reality check weh~ Aku seriously tak sokong budakbudak underage ni ada fb and phone and other social stuff yang lain.Crap,crap,crap!

buttercup, bubbles and blossom(adik adik aku),sila jangan buat perangai tahi macam ni.

oh,aku batman.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Robbie Williams sangat memahami gua.

If only crack is allowed, the word depress won't even make it in the dictionary.

Sumpah aku cakap,aku tak reti nak bagi semangat pada diri sendiri,nak beritahu diri sendiri yang everything will be okay. Sebab for these passing 19 years, in every step that I took, the phrase doesn't work its magic. Doesn't matter how much I try, how much hardships that I'm able to endure and banyak kali mana sekalipun I look back and say, I did it, at the end of the day 99% of the lifetime, I keep on failing.

Robbie cakap; I just wanna feel real love in the home that I live in.

Sebab dia faham aku. Oi budak over reacting kat atas,what will you do if I say your teeth won't grow back?HAHA.Rasa nak lempang je,sebab tengok kau, best gila sebab the only thing you're worrying about now is how to keep on seeing dentists for kau punya Youtube channel. Takpe,tunggu nanti bila kau kena deal with stress and everything.

Bila kau check result sem 1 kau dan rasa macam result kau paling rendah dalam dunia. Aku rasa bodoh nak mati. Mum will go on about how me not studying and her constant predicament of me not going to maktab whatsoever. Friends will go like,'she's not that bright,afterall'. Top scorers will be like, 'jyeahhh!I ace it,and I don't give a damn to people yang might hurt bila baca status fb or blog aku pasal how well I did it'. Not to forget,those yang ' ouh,yes!result aku lagi better from dia,weh.suka!'Yang paling expected is, the so called families,close or tak will start comparing you and everyone else from the roots yang sits for final exam as we all took the same course,share the same brain, having the same fate and everything.Typical.

Otak aku tak dapat kira kira matematik,otak aku slow,I can't focus! Nak buat engineering, takut nanti tak dapat bawa. Cikgu? Kau dah fikir habis ke, tanya soalan ni bhai. Sebab tu aku buat law,sebab I somehow stupidly think that I might ace this.Which obviously turn U-GLY when last week I got only 3. and C+ for the subject which I got the highest carry mark.Kalau boleh,sana sini aku nak point fingers,except for the mirror. 

  1. Korang rasa different lecturer, ada possibility untuk ada different judgment tak?Macam if another lecturer mark your paper,you'll get higher.Sebab kawan kawan yang selalu datang tanya kau bila tak faham boleh dapat tinggi?ada possibilty tak?
  2. Sebab orang lain dapat soalan bocor,so boleh ace.ada possibility tak?
Yes,kalau boleh semua orang aku nak salahkan. Mungkin sebab law is one tough course yang this is the normal pointer that people ought to get, maybe because of some hidden help(if you know what i mean), or maybe it's just me.

I just need someone to tell me that he believe in me and that I can do it and this is just a mere dugaan from Lord and I'm actually better than everyone else.

Even if i don't

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Result sem 1?

Okai,aku check lambat dari orang.

buka emel,tengok,


what the hell?



kenapa bukan tort?kenapa mesti MLS?whyyyy
aku salah jawab paper ke ape doh?
bodohsia kau,FYNN.

Yes,still thankful sebab tak perlu repeat and dpt 3 pointer above.
Tapi still KENAPA weh!

seniors cakap,once part 1 u tak boleh bawa,sem depan akan drag.
damn it!

Hati,tolong sedapkan sendiri,purrrlease.
Now,how nak bagitau my mum?

Monday, December 6, 2010

Pergi joli.

Last week,mostly budak sekolah aku kecah pasal gathering girls ONLY.Lepas ni berkejar lah paparazzi nak sergah blog aku ni.

Oh,hai korang!

At first memang aku gedik nak join tapi bila aku dapat hidu bahawasanya, si Pandi ni nak join,aku back off. Lepas tu ada lah,orang sana sini tanya.Yang tak pernah concern pun tiba tiba teringat kewujudan aku.Impressive.Bekas BFF pun text aku for confirmation.Mungkin mendambakan citra aku,agaknya.HAHA.

So,nah aku kasi reasons kenapa aku tak hingin berkehendak untuk join ;

  1. Si Pandi - aku tetap rasa perempuan biatch yg memilih kawan based on looks and harta is murahan.
  2. Still,si pandi.
  3. Mostly BFFs tetap aku tak join pun.
  4. Aku suruh buat awal,gedik nak postpone.
  5. Fulus takdak.Hampa pakai rm 10,hangus aku nyahhh~
  6. Afterall,tujuan gathering utk jumpa balik kawan kawan lama.Bagi aku,most of yang attending, dulu masa sekolah,korang even know my name,tak?
  7. Aku dapat sense unsur selfish di sebalik tom yam. (Aku suka tomyam ayam lah!)
  8. Aku rasa better untuk plan event lain.
So I did.Dalam masa less than a week,tanpa perlu create event page/RSVP kat FB,aku berjaya ajak kawan real aku untuk turun Perlis dan....pergi joli!

Aku sumpah tak zealous gathering korang,sebab aku ada mereka mereka yang lebih double tripple better. Tak rigid, tak plastic, dan tak lari waktu susah.

Gua Kelam,Perlis.
  • Good points- abang jaga parking fooled,views lawa bhai!,stream-breath-taking
  • Minus points- Gua tak buka lagi due banjir,none hot guys.

Taman Ular & Reptilia,Batu Pahat,Perlis.

  • Good points-Ada abang handsome jual aiskrim,monyets adorkable.
  • Minus points- SNAKES.yucksyucks!,fee bapak lah tak reasonable,boring,not updated.

Yahoo! Karaoke,Kangar

Sila tengok what happens bila aku high~
ye,aku tak saint mana lah!
  • Good points- First time aku karok!yeeha,u guys rock!,Chal belanja <3
  • Minus points-Lagu tak banyak,abang gatal.

Korang,don't take it personally,jyeahhh?
Anyhoos,this is how it's done ;)
Boleh maki hamun di ruang komen.Gossip belakang,cap ayam lah weh.

Sebab terlampau happy,gelak tak berhenti all the way dalam kereta,
tengok muka aku bercahaya!HAHA

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Buat aku jerit wtf?

Dah nak dekat pukul 3 pagi.
"Damn,ngantuk gila!"
Tadi tengok cerita 'My gf is a gumiho'
Bilang satu sampai sepuluh,aku siap tulis!

What the F #1

Aku cerita kisah semalam to a friends.And some more friends.A real friend would go;

"Forget them,mereka perak"

And a friend,this one friend went,

"Think positive,they didn't mean it"

after the obvious.Get real lah bhai!

What the F #2

tapi bila link di kelik,

it's your right,kan,sunshine?

What the F #3

Lately banyak bebenar notes yang di share kat FB. '10 perkara lelaki tidak tahu pasal wanita', yadda yadda~ Kalau yang informative and islamic AND menarik bagi aku,yes i can accept. Tapi bila asyik aku kena tag and dapat banyak gila notifications tang notes cintan cintun,honestly


such a turn off~

What the F #4

Baru baru ni,ada award MAMA. Kawan-kawan aku kecah Suju tak menang. Yes,aku tak minat Suju at all(except LeeTeuk).Tak minat tak bermakna benci. From what i observe,semua fans bengang sebab ada bias or something? Aku tak nak komen lah, sini baca,

situasi satu,yeah.

And,kalau korang nak tahu,aku pernah bergaduh dengan ex bff aku sebab aku tak minat Suju and aku minat Big Bang. Then melarat sampai semua idea aku tentang pelajar and politics dia tak nak dengar atas alasan,

"Yah,I get it,hang budak law~"

Stereotype bodoh yang tak pernah nak settle.Perlukah aku jerit kat telinga sekor-sekor macam ni baru nak faham?

"Ye,aku budak law,so?Bila aku nak bagi opinion,pandangan ke apa,aku cakap based on apa yang aku belajar, sebab from mostly apa yang aku belajar, public just tahu from the surface.we law students go deep and analyze from every diff angles.Bukan sebab aku banyak belajar bahasa inggeris,aku dah westernize."

Ye,sekarang aku lah yang jahat.