
Thursday, June 24, 2010

Harusku khabarkan pada siapa...

Duhai hati,
Aku harap kau tabah.
Aku harap kau kuat.
Aku harap,

Oh snap it out already.

Dear heart,
Please be strong for me,
Please stay by my side
when others just can't stand me whinning anymore.
Oh,what am i talking about?
I got you locked within my ribs cage.
Anyhow, if you decide to stop pumping,
blurt it out to me.

Dear God,
they said You gave me this heavy weight on my shoulder
because You know i can carry it well.
What made You think so, my Lord?
Please, give it to somebody else because
You were wrong about me.
and now,i'm a sinner.

Dear Fynn,
stop pretending to have might.
stop hoping that high.
you'll never reach it.
what else do you have left to say?
i can see you shaking.
why is that you are frowning?
see,your faith shaken up bad.

Dear helpers,
those kind-hearted souls.
you are my prized possessions.
but yet,
words don't work on me.
not anymore.
i am a monster now.
FEAR me!rawrrr
stop motivating.
forgive me.


Anonymous said...

Dear Fynn, never lose hopes. Anything happen for aa reason :') ouh dear, tatahu nak cakap words apa =__= but tabahkan hati !! :)

Fynn said...

God, u must be bored by me already.
i can't help it.
everyday is a tough one.
thinking that i had to suffer for other's mistake pissed me off real bad.
still mustering every ounce of strength i had...

Anonymous said...

U have ur strength but u dont realise it yet. Believe me, u get through this dengan hati yg tabah dearie :)

Fynn said...

its about to come to an end dah babe.
maybe around next week~